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full time

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:47 pm
by anfield road
i being playing for 3 years now and not thinking about stopping until i cant make enough to live on!

where is everyone else on this?

I think there is still at laest 5 years left

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:51 pm
by Rob Pots
Same old topic discussion. :(

642 days 9hrs 14mins 6secs til every fruit machine on the planet just disappears.

Wait for it..............

Jeff Vickers...... 'Must be a new chip!'

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:05 pm
by anfield road
i mean until the machines become less easy to scam and make the money we can make now!

the new notechangers are getting stronger and the machines tighter!, this year has being the best every year for me by far!

the money made has being immense

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:09 pm
by Rob Pots
anfield road wrote:i mean until the machines become less easy to scam and make the money we can make now!

the new notechangers are getting stronger and the machines tighter!, this year has being the best every year for me by far!

the money made has being immense
Fairplay for not getting arsey....

Surely with just the current range of machines, your knowledge and the addicted gamblers that will never NOT play fruit machines be it old or new PROFIT should always be achieveable but as to whether you can substain a monthly income to match your lifestyle i doubt it.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:19 pm
by Martal~Wombat
I'm still full-time and have been now for over 10 years now, i cant see it lasting much longer with 'juice's coming in everywhere with a pile-of-poo on the menu, and the fact
that pubs are closing down, or have took fruities out because they can't afford the licence fees.
I too have had a good year so far, with the help of the bearded one :wink: , ca's, extremes and reds....
hey who knows how long we got, hopefully another few years???

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:19 am
by Drpepper
Take it from someone who works 40 hours a week on a bar, if you can find an easier way to make £250, for fucks sake make sure you do it.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:18 am
by redlinesman
I used to be always sceptical when people said that 'it will be all over in 6 months' and thus like, but I am taking a bit of notice this time. I started playing for a regular wage in the time of the flashbacks, and I can honestly say that I havent experienced the feeling Im getting at the momment. It's not a negative feeling, more like an acceptance that the journey I've been on is about to run its course. Without doubt, the money is still good and regular, but I believe the industry is about to go into reverese gear (as far as players are concerned anyway) There's regular points made on this board about £35 jackpots being too high and 50p a spin being too expensive and I think this is part of the problem. If playing machines for profit is coming to the end of it's life span, Im sure many of us will be there to the bitter end, scrapping and fighting for every last penny. Will I be there? Well, I certainly wouldn't like to think so, but you never know how things will turn out.

When it does end, one of the most interesting things is how people will deal with it. Will a player embrace change and move on? Or will he be left to rot in an arcade, willowing in his former glory. There's a handful who will probably never have to work again, but 30-50 grand won't last the rest of us for very long. I suspect the more educated among us, and those with degrees will more than likely just slot into an everyday life, and the part-time players, well it's just going to mean less disposable income. What ever happens, Its being a good experience and one that I will always look back fondly on in years to come.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:16 am
by anfield road
redlinesman wrote:I used to be always sceptical when people said that 'it will be all over in 6 months' and thus like, but I am taking a bit of notice this time. I started playing for a regular wage in the time of the flashbacks, and I can honestly say that I havent experienced the feeling Im getting at the momment. It's not a negative feeling, more like an acceptance that the journey I've been on is about to run its course. Without doubt, the money is still good and regular, but I believe the industry is about to go into reverese gear (as far as players are concerned anyway) There's regular points made on this board about £35 jackpots being too high and 50p a spin being too expensive and I think this is part of the problem. If playing machines for profit is coming to the end of it's life span, Im sure many of us will be there to the bitter end, scrapping and fighting for every last penny. Will I be there? Well, I certainly wouldn't like to think so, but you never know how things will turn out.

When it does end, one of the most interesting things is how people will deal with it. Will a player embrace change and move on? Or will he be left to rot in an arcade, willowing in his former glory. There's a handful who will probably never have to work again, but 30-50 grand won't last the rest of us for very long. I suspect the more educated among us, and those with degrees will more than likely just slot into an everyday life, and the part-time players, well it's just going to mean less disposable income. What ever happens, Its being a good experience and one that I will always look back fondly on in years to come.
well said!

we will have to wait and see though :| please let it be 5 years minimum left

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:24 am
by PMK
I think there will always be something current thats open to manipulation/rips/methods. I mean in the last 10 years thats been the case anyway. At the end of the day, its a human being that designs and programs these machines.

The current crop of brand new machines aren't the best but thats because nothings been figured out yet. There are still plenty of 'older' machines around if you are prepared to hunt them down and travel.

If you just hang around the city centres and big chain pubs that have all the current new dross of course things might look a bit off at the moment.

I'm not one to get involved in or encourage illegal methods so I dont care for that side of things.

The only thing that concerns me more now than ever, is the lack of general play these newer machines tend to get, in arcades nowadays even during the high season the over 18 area is the most quiet. In pubs its not quite that bad yet but its getting there.

Lets be honest, as 'players' we know what happens to an average punter if they attempt to have some fun and buy entertainment on a burnt CA, GA, Cluedo, WIYB, CYBTB etc etc. Thankfully at the moment in busy pubs there are enough of these people still around. Having said that, even if a casual punter invests his cash in any current BFM a score would last him minutes if he's lucky.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:03 am
by anfield road
exactly thats all there is, all you have to do is just search and you will find....... put the hours in like i and many others do and you will reap the rewards

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:04 am
by Mattb
Indeedy, i'm increasingly doing more mileage in my motor to find profits these days. I probably now travel out twice a week 50+ miles for a days play, whereas 6-9 months ago i probably didn't bother at all. Sign of the times.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:13 pm
by betchrider
My best time was 12-18mths ago WITHOUT a doubt :lol:

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:19 pm
by Scott
The best time I would have to say for me was all the old Vivids, these were everwhere 6-7 years ago and i made a killing, plus cop the lots and snake rattle n roll was roughly the same era which was also brilliant for me.

fully agree with having to travel now a days, only 2 or 3 days worth of stuff near me max.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:05 pm
by jeffvickers
Another problem, reds could be visited twice a week, maybe 3 times in very busy pub after football/weekends etc. Now, its once a week to get back round.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:56 pm
by trayhop123
ive been at this longer than most, and ive said this before in another thread, but when it all comes crashing down, (and i for one firmly believe 2years max) to the point where it simply isnt worth going out any more, then it wont just affect me financially, it will affect me mentally aswell ,,,, now before all the cries of bullshit start flooding in let me explain

like many others, ive known nothing else but this life, having never had a conventional job,
it will be far more than a financial upset, (that alone will hurt, im not gonna pretend it wont ),but for me (and im sure i speek for other life term players) the psychological upsets will be far greater ,,,,,, no1 no other skills to speek of (i cant even wire a plug or put a shelf up lol),. so this means the bottom of the employment ladder, no2 no qualifications (see no1 lol).,,,,,,,,,,, no3 and perhaps the biggest mental stigma is that because we have lived to our own devices for so long, i have no respect for authority ,,,, (no i dont mean the law) i mean, i wouldn't be able to take orders from a boss of anykind, let alone be told ive got to be somewhere at 7am every morning, or sweep up (fuck off you sweep up lol)
im just saying that this lifestyle has spoiled many of us and mold'ed us into the personality traits we have now ,

here's a question for you to ponder ,,,,,, you see a brand new tv costing a grand in a shop window you quite fancy, do you A save up for it like a regular 9 to 5 joe, or B just buy it on a whim because your a rich slotter...???? exactly

im not asking for sympathy lol, im loaded lol but that wouldn't last long sitting on my arse doin nowt ,,,,,,
im just saying people should realise the massive psychological personality change that will come when its all over ,,,,,, trying to blend back into normal society sounds a nightmare to me, of course i know a few of us might try to open businesses, and be our own bosses but thats easier said than done

i dont expect thoughtful intelligent reply's of people in this game short term/part time, you haven't developed the mind set yet and probably will just see me as a spoilt whinging twat, and the sad thing is your right i most probably am.

but im definitely not the only one who's riding this train, and its the other passengers on it with me that id'e be most interested in hearing reply's from. :roll: