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Why I dont play much anymore

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 2:34 pm
by e4ans
Hi im Rob. In a nutshell is because you dont win like you used to. I have always played clubs more than awp's as i drink in my local workies and go to reilys alot and now the awp's are slowley turing into them i.e you are "buying" the jackpot / streak rather than putting a few pounds in and taking a chance. There have always been players who will force machines but with £15 / £25 Joe Public could get a decent win just with a change from getting a pint and this is what made them so popular as you could genuinely win off a very little amount. Now you have to put a notes in alot of the time to stand a chance of getting onto the board and this puts Joe Public off as they dont get their nice wins like they used to. My local had two machines in 6 months ago and now they have none. This has proberbly been discussed before but just wanted to put my little bit down. The manufactureres / distributors / site operaters should have a long look at this as if Nintendo / Sony made their games really hard to play or it was very difficult to complete, only the serious gamer would play / buy their products and sadly this is exactly whats happening with the fruitmachines.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 9:39 pm
by Guest
...amen to that brother!!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:42 am
by Dunhamzzz
true. I think a lot of it is in the stake change and a lot of fruit machines now have much larger force cycles.
The barcrest £25 era (raiders, darts, taw, + clones) was amazing for players and casuals alike, a player could prise in a JP off a few quid, or at least see the jp isn't far off, and a casual would be likely to get a rather large win off a medium amount (cash pot milk on darts anyone? Grrr!). £2 in for 5 or 1 in for 3 was a mini-triumph aswell.

Now what do we have? BFG's everywhere that cost £8-£24 for a board on a regular basis, with offerings not normally above £5 and as soon as you do take something that above a 5er it instantly goes back into £5 mode. JPs seem to come randomly from my experience

Reds, as much as us players love them still they're now a lot hard to read. The small blocks also seem to be in force for a lot long than they used to. £10 blocks can now last forever and ever and ever, ( SMTM, CoB ) and more and more red features are being displayer earlier, but still all the crap ones, so casuals must be losing faith in features that are red are actually good.

Mazoomas are the silver lining but with the recent rechips that have no apparent reason other to make it harder to win, has put many players off Im sure. well done them.

Barcrest are a mixed bag, I point to OTB being utter shite but we also have cash attack and PCB2 which shows there is still love to players.

Games Media are another mixed one, casuals seem to like them somehow, despite all of the ambiguous and shite features, the idea of collecting on a ? really seems to enlighten people, make them feel safe.
Alas, these machines are good for players, tho can be a tad unpredictable.

...tbc..... need to get back to work.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:25 pm
by redgamer

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:27 pm
by Spyder
obviously im not talking about £2/£4/£5 etc jackpots but:

ten years ago, £15jp were in pubs, WHY THE FUCK are we now paying £15 to get a feature or win on some machines?

the price of living hasnt doubled or trebled, so we are putting more in to get more out, but why?

id go back to £15 jackpots tomorrow if we could, £15 in a decent £15jp machine ment you'd half forced it and it was ready to pay out! you can put £100 in some new machines to get bounced back off the turbo gamble and lose?

roll on fully random machines in pubs.. at least you know what you're doing, put £xxx in and you might win.... instead of accumalivly (???) forcing it to pay out less than youve put in, you just stick £50 in and watch

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:49 pm
by anfield road
I love it now with £35 JPS, the reason is

A)I dont play shit like DOND etc which cost £15+ to a board unless thiere is a rip on it

B)Rovers and Reds are amazing profits for me

C)Cabin Fevers etc are amazing and some SH

But yeah its well shit when you go around slotting dream factories and hot properties or gold rush etc, then you come on here slating new games and want them to go back to £15 so you dont lose all your money!

makes me laugh hahahaha


Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:13 pm
by harry2
Ten years ago if you had a bad day in the arcade you might be a days wages down, now you could do three months worth.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:15 pm
by Spyder
anfield road wrote: makes me laugh hahahaha

not quite the point we were going for anfield

you can buzz word a few different games that are "do-able" but end of the day, back when the £15ers were out you could make a whole load of money from just playing the machines with skill and through normal play...

emptyers or "cheats or tricks" were around and some had them and some didnt, same applys now, BUT the difference is that nowadays you cant make a solid consistent profit by normal play,

also you have to consider that this period of fruit machines will phase out within the next few months and then, as when the other jackpot increases were issued, the gameplay will go very sour.

at the minute you have your monopoly and the reds, very much the same as when £25s came in and we had vivids and superhold on bellfruits...
as soon as the new wave of non doable vivids came out we were fucked..

red are not going to let 3.5x jp rolls happen on their machines anymore, because normal punters are going to have to put about £250 in before they recover... a lot of punters are disgusted by the 50p a go 4 or 5 presses is a pint... so how long is it going to take for the machine to show a decent game for normal punters and how often are they going to bother wasting their money for no spins and no boards and no wins?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:21 pm
by ob
lol anfield those cluedo etc. clones are on the way out, don't you get it... they are OLD machines!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:27 pm
by anfield road
lol well erm I will always find something to make money off so am not arsed!

18*5 - JFT 96



Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:45 pm
by Mattb
Exactly, what will you do when they all go! Won't be around forever!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:04 am
by anfield road
erm i suppose ever since jpms people have being saying nothing new will come.

Cash attacks, win stoppers, power 5s, 4 reelers rovers, cluedoes etc etc the list goes on of stuff relased not so long ago!

there will always be stuff!

they cant just keep making shite!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:08 am
by Mattb
Yeah but things are different now aren't they. Red don't make anything good now, Bellfruit is always glitches so you can hope, games media are everywhere, mazoomas are tighter, barcrests very hit n miss.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 1:16 am
by ob
anfield road wrote:erm i suppose ever since jpms people have being saying nothing new will come.

Cash attacks, win stoppers, power 5s, 4 reelers rovers, cluedoes etc etc the list goes on of stuff relased not so long ago!

there will always be stuff!

they cant just keep making shite!
lol of course there won't always be stuff, fools talk, things are totally different to after jpm's, manufacturers won't now bring out

a) machines that roll of jp regularly
b) readable for a cheap jp
c) skill jp feature

which means we have no advantage over mugs, ie. game over !

The excpetions are cash attack and a DOND, the rest is dross.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:02 am
by Spyder
quite a lot of the time you could get a jp and one repeat on a £15er and be up, put a couple of quid back in to see if you managed to get a few £4's £5 or maybe £10....

when was the last time you double potted a £35er naturally and hadnt put less than about £50 in... sweating cause you didnt know if the repeat was coming!
on £25's on the vivid, you forced/tricked a repeat, first few i did cost less than a tenner to pull off, usually costing about £20-£30,
the last buzzing red i played held out till i was about 60 in and went for 70...
the ratio of stake to winning is worse than ever, how much are we going to have to put in when they go up to £50? how much will you be confortable to put in a £50 rovers to get lines? do you think they'll be stupid enough to put any of the machines you're making money on through ANOTHER re-prom upgrade?

might as well put all of your money on 2/3 of the roulette board and take one spin a day on that?