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Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 8:16 pm
by Tecky
What do you guys mean when you say "the machine was backing"?

And how do you know if its backing?

Finally is the machine backing a good or bad thing for the player?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 9:10 pm
by rocket
Backing is when the calls are falling 'down the back' into the cashbox and not the hoppers. It may be a sign that the machine is full therefore readfy to pay out. It may not though - it could have just been refilled, and theres lots of fake backing going on now to deceive you into thinking the machine is full.

Admin / Mods - Couldn't we try and get a sticky of these basic things? I appreciate people are knew and I found out most of what I know through the guys on here, but there a re a lot of newbies joining and we keep getting the same threads being opened asking what a refill key is / what backing is / how to read a refilly key display etc...


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 8:12 pm
by Guest
What it means when it's backing fella is, hitting the cashbox and this means the hopper is full, but be careful, it could be re-fill day by the engineer. you tend 2 find this out after u have been in the particular place a few times, u will probably bump into him 1 day haha!
So punt away m8!