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The state of gambling today

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:11 pm
by jeffvickers
I was in a popular nightspot yesterday. I walked in when it opened at 9pm. I saw a DOND Beat the Banker, not the best machine I know, I thought I'd try a few boards for 5 or 10 minutes. Luckily, I managed to get a £24.19 deal quite early on so drinks were covered for the night. I thought to myself, I might hawk a few people if anyone ploughing it.
I stayed in the nightclub till closing (1 am) and NOT ONE PERSON played this machine all night.

Earlier on in the evening, I lost £25 in an Open the Box in 2 minutes. lost £15 on a DOND The Big Reds in another 2 minutes. A £40 loss in 4 minutes.. Manus: THIS IS WHY NOBODY ARE PLAYING YOUR MACHINES! Remember the words "AMUSEMENT with prizes". Get that into your thick heads!!!
I went home breaking evens at least. Lucky for a town centre offering these days.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:19 pm
by bigv038
I love drinking and sharking like that all night :) The best place to do it is holiday camps in summer. Love it!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:32 pm
by mjd
not even the beautiful looking DOND game at the top can lure people in.. Gahhhh

Re: The state of gambling today

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:51 pm
by pierkid
jeffvickers wrote: I stayed in the nightclub till closing (1 am) and NOT ONE PERSON played this machine all night.
Stop watching the machine all night!

Dunno bout most on here but me personally, when I go to a nightclub my objectives are :

1/ get paraletic
2/ have a laugh wiv the lads
3/ create havock on the dancefloor
4/ pull (if single)
5/ pull (if not single)
6/ save enough money for kebab
7/ save enough money for a taxi
8/ no fighting

100000000000000/ watch the fruity all night.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:16 pm
by Mattb
I propose Jeff is lieing, as i've never been to any club that shuts at 1am! :P

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:22 pm
by jeffvickers
It was a £10 in, free drinks all night promotion. Maybe a 1am licence is suitable in this instance so as not to be seen irresponsible. (+ it was a Thursday night.)

+I'm 33 with a g/f. Too old for pulling.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:45 pm
by Guest
This has been said in many different ways before.
Machines no longer attract casual punters with their "change from the round" playing.
Who wants to put their £3 in at 50p a play you'll be lucky to get a trail held sometimes let alone a feature and even if you do get a feature you might be lucky and win £4 :roll:

For casual player board and spin costs are too high and potential returns are too low.
Just leaves it to the addicts to fill them up :!:

P.S. See you changed your avatar Jeff. RIP Vera.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:55 pm
by betchrider
im 36 and if thats too old for pulling only thing left to pull is your plonker

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:03 pm
by GlowingLikeAchristmastree
agreed bit sad to be going into clubs to play a chitty dond lol, but i don't know where ur from but.. town's i been going to bit slow at mo, guess cause after xmas not so many going out ... every 1 skint.. paying off bills ... but town's should pick up soon.. start filling them bandits up.. lol

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:12 pm
by clownymo
only fruities i have in clubs near me is an absolutely knackered Jewel In The Crown, where about half the lights work and theres no notey - needless to say, its absolutely dead 100% of the time. and then theres a king's ransom in another club which is either off, or completely unused. by the time i get in there though, i'm normally too drunk to get the coins in, let alone play it

Re: The state of gambling today

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:13 pm
by toby
pierkid wrote:
jeffvickers wrote: I stayed in the nightclub till closing (1 am) and NOT ONE PERSON played this machine all night.
Stop watching the machine all night!

Dunno bout most on here but me personally, when I go to a nightclub my objectives are :

1/ get paraletic
2/ have a laugh wiv the lads
3/ create havock on the dancefloor
4/ pull (if single)
5/ pull (if not single)
6/ save enough money for kebab
7/ save enough money for a taxi
8/ no fighting

100000000000000/ watch the fruity all night.
we have so much in common :D

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:30 am
by cashino
Have you no idea, that despite claims (usually vastly exaggerated) most fruit players LOSE much cash over the years. There may be one or two exceptions, but to the outsider playing machines seems antisocial and embarrassing, even if you try to hide embarrassment with a handful of 'won' pound coins.

Have you noticed, apart from Grannies and fat/ugly socially bereft women, females don't usually play them? How many times have you seen in arcades, often decent-looking lads with their girlfriends in tow, being hissed at by said girl to 'leave because it's a waste' or 'it's time to go if we're going out later' and the lad responds with 'just one more 20' and you catch the girls eyes as she turns to storm out, a mixture of sadness and embarrassment in her moist eyes......when she's gone you can sense the lads adrenaline caused by a combination of embarrassment at the barely-suppressed scene, and the knowledge he's in the shit and should go after her struggling with his addictive urge to keep playing.......

I have a quick spin when out with my mates, 2-3 mins. Any longer they start shaking heads. Quite rightly. So I don't.

The same phenomenon occurs on the poker sites. I never play for cash, but play free on full-tilt, have a good six-figure pile of chips, and see the same scenario unfold there. There are a FEW serious players obviously practising, but most of those who fill the tables up, judging by the chat, are the same socially bereft people as most fruit players. You get the feeling that like the 3x35 105 streak on machines, the player who gets the ace-flush on the river and wins a few tens-of-thousands in play-chips is having the same temporary hit of satisfaction and self-achievement as the 105'er who looks round furtively whilst collecting his bank to see if people are watching his 'success'. If only these unfortunates got those same 'hits' of success at work or in education or proper personal achievement.......

Oh, and to those who respond with a claim to have a 'willing' partner in their playing and gambling, be in no doubt that the relationship is ultimately doomed to mutual failure or stress or poverty, whichever comes first.

Nighty night.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:50 pm
by Martal~Wombat.
I used 2 take my g/f out slotting,
it don't work with a woman next 2 ya
i dont know why but things that usually happen
dont happen when u got a woman on ya case......

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:23 am
by maverick69
cashino, very well said mate i agree with you