
General fruit machine related chat, if it doesn't fit another category discuss it here..
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Posts: 3130
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Post by Spyder »

well it was the longest post, but now this one is (i stole your post and used it as a semi reply so i could steal the longest post... HAHA
, im gonna get hundreds of points for this post!!!

this will properly put him in a box,
just to point out, £15 jackpots came out in err (thinks hard) 1996-7, spiker the biker came out in 1997/8
the shellls on lifes a beach go slow if you have a bonus number in the middle of the reels, nothing to do with a "p1" and "p2"

Dom said:
alrite mate
Dom said:
howzit goin?
Dom said:
u there
Dom said:

Dom says:
alrite mate
Dom says:
howz it goin?
Daave says:
Daave says:
well, the lifes abeach thing didnt work oo well
Dom says:
there is critcal re-chips out now, i have lost 4 in the last 2 days!
Dom says:
Daave says:
Dom says:
was over too quickly!
Daave says:
the thing is,
Daave says:
i couldnt get hte shells to go slow,
Daave says:
you said get them red, but they are all the same colour?
Daave says:
but, i did work out how to make them slow
Dom says:
thats a re-chip then
Dom says:
on P1 chips they went slow
Dom says:
sorry mate
Daave says:
Daave says:
Dom says:
fukin programmers!
Dom says:
i have some stuff on holey moley and corrie and bobby dazzler that DEFINITELY havent been chipped
Dom says:
and the new darts method
Dom says:
that is impossible to chip
Daave says:
id be interested in holey moely
Daave says:
and the darts,
Daave says:
what are they? the darts is just a quick steal isnt it
Daave says:
whats on hoely moley?
Dom says:
the drats is a guaranteed 75 roll, most of the time 100
Dom says:
and holey moley is emptier
Dom says:
Daave says:
do you feel like explaining them?
Dom says:
i aint just givin these away,
Daave says:
on the lab, you basicly said if it worked you'd accept some kind of donation afterwards...
Dom says:
quick question, where do you live?
Dom says:
if you dont mind me askin
Daave says:
i dont really have the money to pay you anything before, and if it works, id send you the money on monday, cause theres a Holey moley about 30 seconds from where im sat
Daave says:
i live in derby
Dom says:
quite a few machines then?
Daave says:
not loads of machine no, but i know of a hoely moley in the pub oposite my house
Dom says:
have you got online banking?
Daave says:
Dom says:
because what i normally do when selling info like this, is have half the money first, and then when you have gone out and made a wedge, i leave it up to you how much you pay me depending on how much you make and how many machine you have
Dom says:
and yes i have online banking, so i could give you the info within seconds
Dom says:
Daave says:
yeah, but as i said mate, im totally brassic,
Dom says:
what does that mean?
Dom says:
Daave says:
skint, broke, no money
Dom says:
well, i would accept a very small amount then, as long as you make a fair donation afterwards,
Daave says:
seriously, i am totally skint, i have a £20 note in my pocket... and thats it till next week
Daave says:
like, friday night next week
Dom says:
nothing in the bank?
Daave says:
no, i dont even use my account, its empty, i get paid cash
Dom says:
oh rite
Dom says:
well, u cant rely do an emptier with 20 quid
Daave says:
Daave says:
thats where you are wrong mate...
Daave says:
ive been emptying machines since you were in school, and ive emptied shitloads of machines starting from about £3
Daave says:
if you werei n on hilo watha,s all you needed was about £2 in 10ps
Dom says:
Daave says:
£5 starting stake on money launderys,
Daave says:
snake rattle and roll off of the 1st board,
Daave says:
kind kebab from a tenner for £125 + iou's
Daave says:
the thing is, you are always trying to con people
Daave says:
Daave says:
under differnet alias's, emailaddresses, telling people shit info that youve made up
Daave says:
back in the day, people went on trust,
Daave says:
if you really had this info on all of these machiens you are on about
Daave says:
you'd be out traveling
Daave says:
they are modern machines, not too difficult to find
Daave says:
holey moley is in vertually every wetherspoons and yates in the country
Daave says:
if it was a real trick you'd be out battering the fck out of them, a £4 bus ticket if you dont drive and going pub to pub
Daave says:
the thing is, you're full of shit..
Daave says:
out on the bandwagon trying to con people day in day out for a quick £10 20 30 maybe £50 transfred to your online bank?
Dom says:
nope, wrong again
Dom says:
ok, here;s the deal, i give you the darts manip, u go out and do it, and give me 100 on monday
Dom says:
Daave says:
explain in full the darts thing, and if i get a roll of £75 then id gladly give you 100quid..
Daave says:
ill even bring it to ya house, or send it online or post it or pay it into your bank
Dom says:
Daave says:
because ive nver seen a darts roll for more than £50 -60 quid...
Dom says:
basically, you need to play from near enough full, and play all out for tyhe flash. Do not collect anything until the flash, then knock the first 2 flashes back. On the third flash, take the normal JP off the cash. The flash will come back next 1 or 2 boards, take the normal JP again off the cash, then a DM will follow shortly.
Dom says:
Daave says:
you just knock back the flashes?
Dom says:
the first TWO
Dom says:
thn collect normal JP off cash
Daave says:
youve done this?
Dom says:
many times
Daave says:
whats hte most its cost to get the flash
Dom says:
from full?
Daave says:
well, best and worst case in your experiance?
Dom says:
worst case, put 120 for flash, took 150 out, best case, 7 for first flash, took 75
Daave says:
you are aware this is a very common way of playing barcrests?
Daave says:
and that its the most known way ever
Daave says:
Daave says:
Daave says:
hotstuff, hellraiser
Daave says:
pscho cash beast frenzy?
Daave says:
club frenzy on £250
Daave says:
big brother
Dom says:
taking specific things?
Dom says:
oh forgot to mention, to knock back the first 2 flashes, U MUST TAKE £1
Daave says:
pot pot pot rolls are very comon, its very well known that on machines like vamp it up and all fired up, all of the clones, even the hybrid clones like the darts,
Daave says:
way back in the day of spiker the biker, you took the pots , the streak would have killed off the potential
Daave says:
the split non jp amount streak can remove the roll from most barcrests, you cant seriously be trying to sell this information as a valid way of playing the machine on a regular basis?
Daave says:
how old are you?
Dom says:
Dom says:
Daave says:
how lony you been playing?
Daave says:
* long
Dom says:
13 years
Daave says:
youve been playing machnes since you were 11?
Dom says:
Daave says:
what was the first machine you played?
Dom says:
caravan parks and seaside arcades until i was bout 16
Daave says:
what machine were you playing when you were 11?
Dom says:
aftershock, simpsons, crazy fruits, spikers,
Dom says:
stuff like that
Daave says:
you were playing aftershock the simpsons crazy fruits when you were 11?
Daave says:
spiker the biker when you were 11?
Daave says:
and you are 24 now?
Dom says:
Daave says:
you have been playing since you were 11?
Dom says:
Daave says:
13 years ago
Dom says:
good old andy capp
Daave says:
what jackpots were you playing the aftershock and spiker the niker on when you were 11?
Dom says:
15, 5
Dom says:
mainly 5
Daave says:
13 years ago in 1993, you were playing spiker the biker on £15 jackpot,, jeeesus, you must have had some high pocket money!
Daave says:
when i was 11 i used to get about £2 a week pocket money!
Dom says:
when i went away i used to get 10'er a day
Dom says:
but at home, 20 a week
Daave says:
i suppose if you sharked/watched the machiens a bit you could win a fair bit from £20......
Dom says:
never used to force, just for the quick steals
Dom says:
damm right
Dom says:
cus i was so small and innocent, nobody expected me to be sharking them, just interested
Daave says:
Daave says:
bet it stung when they left and you won!!!
Daave says:
whats your fave machne from back in the day?
Dom says:
older kids used to shark me all the time, and then i would take a quick 10'er or pot, and they would be shocked, and they never could work out how i was doing the switch holds!
Dom says:
was quality to see there faces!
Dom says:
you would be interested in any laptops woud you?
Dom says:
very very cheap
Daave says:
which was your favorite machine back then?
Daave says:
naa, i dont do pcs or owt like that really,
Dom says:
probs spiker, always seemed to be generous towards me
Daave says:
what was your best way of playing it...
Daave says:
i used to love that machine..
Dom says:
well, at that age i didnt really have the money to play it, but just for the swith hold on sevens or melons
Dom says:
quick steals
Daave says:
Daave says:
yeah the melons used to be more or less the pot,
Daave says:
there were a coupole of features too, but i cant remember their names off the top of my head..
Dom says:
yeh i know the ones you mean
Dom says:
will be back in 10 mate,

This post comes as a result of SUSTAINED failure for tomcat/Dom/SkillStop to provide me with and adequate means of compensation for and incident which happened in the past. Which if you read this clearly states that he indeed intends to do so as to make amends for the way he has behaved in the past.
I know im not the only member of this forum who has been screwed over and this is purely to ensure that all are fully aware of what is going and also the gives you the insight into what sort of tactics are involved when he will try to lure you in.

Please forgive the length of this thread it may go on a while, so take a break every few minutes if you wish have a cuppa and a biccy or two

Anyways, it all started way back when I was stupid enough to part with £40 quid sum supposed info on SubZero, didn’t pay off, was annoyed, TomCat as he was then known vanished from the fruitchat seen for a while.

Fast forward slightly to the present and SkillStop appears, things seem a little fishy, but the pure comedy of the moment arrives when info is once again for sale but skillstop decides to use the SAME email address as when he was tomcat, not a clever thing we all agreed, but again people were falling into a trap..

Time passed again, vanished, came back, this time in which he had supposedly rectified his past and provided info which indeed held out and worked..well I beg to differ and the following extract will prove this.
*searches msn messenger archives* clever bit of kit this, hope you all use it 

Luke: Dom coz im so in agreement with (name removed)

Luke: Dom i knwo u changed the info he gave u

Luke: Dom so u cant hide that

Dom well as soon as i get it, its yours

Dom that who gave me?

Luke: Dom (name removed)

Luke: Dom i no all about that

Dom Luke: what info?

Dom Luke: darts?

Dom Luke: i havent changed anything execpt made it better and more near the truth, the only thing i changed was (edit to remove info)

Luke: Dom well ur still making my point for me

Luke: Dom u alter info

Luke: Dom and there was still somthing that u DIDNT include in ur method

Dom Luke: only to make it better?

Dom Luke: so why would anyone complain about better info?

Dom Luke: what didnt i include?

Dom Luke: i included EVERYTHING that (name removed) told me!

Dom Luke: ?

Luke: Dom its not better as it was wrong

Luke: Dom a tenner profit is not what u get from teh REAL method

Dom Luke: so (name removed) was givin out false info then?

Dom Luke: what is different about the method i have?

Dom Luke: ?

Luke: Dom im not saying

Luke: Dom but i have both versions

Luke: Dom and i no which one works best

Dom Luke: i take it its the one i dont have

That was the first little chat we had, which im sure most people will agree seems a little iffy…

Then we get to the point where im supposed to be compensated for what ive personally had to deal with.

Which again I was told would be fine.

This was the 1st bit of info I was told.

Ive edited it for obvious reasons but then I actually thought hmm why because it is all bollocks but anyways:

Luke dom whats the deal with the (mc removed) thing then
Luke dom does it really work?
dom Luke yeh it does
dom Luke basically...
dom Luke obtain (edit), collect only (edit), and kill urself on (edit)
Luke dom hmm.
Luke dom and comes back every board or what/
Luke dom ?
Luke dom what happens if u dont get (edit)
Luke dom not free?
dom Luke thats it
Luke dom hmm.
Luke dom how much u norm make from it then?
dom Luke its been confirmed by me and many others
dom Luke 40/50 quid profit

I had a thing about this info and came up with a BIG flaw in the argument.

To which there were a few excuses always, was me doing it wrong apparently lol

Then I was let in on the *FULL MTR*..

umm...well if u sort me out with LAB mate then ill confirm for u
Luke dom thats all i ask
Luke dom and were quits
dom Luke its not confirmed though
dom Luke u still want it?
Luke dom yeah
Luke dom cant hurt to try
Luke dom ill take as is
Luke dom and u said uve had one person reported doing it
dom Luke basically,(edited) but is not confirmed
dom Luke ok?
Luke dom fair dos
Luke dom i will give it a go

Again this failed miserably and I was starting to get pissed off..more excuses and more “your doing it wrong”

I was then promised the full mtr for bobby d and clones…

Time came and passed

Then I got this instead

Dom Luke: u can have holey moley when i get it
Luke: Dom it wont be chipped mate trust this town is well behind
Luke: Dom hmm i dont think i can wait for that mate
Luke: Dom u dont even know if it will work yet..
Dom Luke: no, as well as the refund
Luke: Dom ahh ok
Luke: Dom well ok then
Luke: Dom that is a deal by me
Dom Luke: me too

So by this point you would have thought that I might be getting somewhere but then others and by this point myself id starting to think was never going to happen.

For the refund paypal was not an option, a blocked account apparently..which to mean signals alarms straight away (im a techno geek and this signals improper use of your acc)
I wasn’t confident of posting my address over to skillstop so I put it to him that I would just take info in return unless paypal was an option.

Dom Luke: can get u the emptier for corrie, bobby dazzler or spin when ur winning
Luke: Dom u have them?
Dom Luke: no, but a guy is ringing me tommorow with them
Luke: Dom i rifght
Luke: Dom are they full mtrs?
Dom Luke: yes

Later in the day

Luke: Dom any news yet? (with regard to holy/bobby info)
Dom Luke: nope
Dom Luke: cant get hold of him,
Luke: hmm

Later still

Luke: so i guess ill just go post how ive been fobbed off with false info again
Luke: i can pretty much tell what your HM info is going to be anyways
Dom Luke: im waiting on holey moley
Dom Luke: so u dont want it?
Luke: i jsut want sumthing that works and get it when u say i will
Luke: LAB info dosent work
Luke: SZ didnt work
Luke: how many peopel have reported back u have given false info
Luke: ive lost count
Dom im quite pissed off about still waitin for HM aswell!
Luke: im not even on about that its the suppsoed corrie/bobby today
Luke: and the lab
Luke: that didnt work

Then the final chapter of the story brings us to today…
Think of this what you will..if it does sound like blackmail to me then tell me, but im pretty sure it wasn’t when I was at school

Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom uve screwed me before and others so i dont no why i thought this time would be diferent
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone okay, how about hittin 12 on dirty dozen, there u go. u have stripped me of my dignity, that is all. Goodbye.
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom i had that LAB info about a week ago....and you telling me that proves your other info was bollocks and you were trying to scrw me over again
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom a post will be on fruitchat shortly
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone i will post that i offered you a refund and refused.
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom and....
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom who do you think the sympathy will fall with
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone do your post, but i will carry on doing holey moleys, bye
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom haha yeah im sure
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone ur loss, my gain
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom thats what youve said all along and what have you given me that has worked?
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom what makes u think that givin me the suppsoed holey moley info is guna be any diferent
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone hu said im gonna give it you now?
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone do your stipid post, i dont care about some shitty website, i have better things to do, and nobody blackmails me
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom not really that bothered to be honest if i dont get it
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom im no trying to blackmail anyone
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom im stating the facts
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone u are trying to blackmail me
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone by threatening me with a post on FC
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom y would i threaten, all im doing is telling people my side of the story about yoy trying to make amends, which to me you havent its as simple as that
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone i have with everybody but you
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom haha....well how does that help me then
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom and y have i not been treated right?
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone it doesnt, and maybe i dont want to now
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom well ok then, leave me fucked.;.
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom post it is
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone blacmail it is! YES!
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom that is not blackmail
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom im asking for fair treatment
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone it is!
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom which is only fair as i was fucked over and u wanted to make amends
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone sugar coated BLACKMAIL!
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom i said all along and you agreed, i got working info or id psot
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone i offered you a refund
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom u said fine
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom yeah and i said ok id rather have info
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom you said fine
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom when u got it
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom u told me TWO sets of wrong info for LAB
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom how is that fair?
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone now i got it, but i dont wanna give it to a blackmailer
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom but ur saying sumthing that before u agreed too
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom u said that u wanted to make it faie
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom fair
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom and if u didnt ud accepy a post on fruitchat that i was still out of pocket
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom all i wanted was sumthing that worked
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom and this could have been cleared up long ago
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom was that really to much to ask?
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone no, but i dont agree with blackmailing
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom im not trying to blackmail
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone u r
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom im saying im having to resort to somthing i said would happen if i wasnt treated fairly
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom ive not just decided this now
Dom Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone you have
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom that woudl be blackmail
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom but i gave u ample warning
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom so will it remain and unbalanced transaction then?
Luke: Shocking Shit, World Cup Definatly Gone Dom ?

At this point I was blocked on MSN I think lol

Well that’s the end of my story boys and girls..fuck its taken me ages to do that..and 7 pages in word, surely the longest post on FC EVER?

This is just my experience but I know of others who are in a more than displeased state, so they will post at their own will.

in a way its partly my own fauly for being stupid enough to play along and hope that somthing would come out of it but hey shit happens, just no one go passing over anymore quids will ya

P.S I propose Admin to Install a FULL IP BLOCK on skillstop and his other charactors, which unless he gets a new comp is pretty hard to get around..better for FC as a community i think

All my love
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Post by Spyder »

damn, i only got 100 points,

basicly, he doesnt seem to know anything about actually playing fruit machines, he must have read a few sites and played a couple, but offering laptops halfway through a conversation like that?

hes just a con, a chav'y little cunt out to make a quick buck on whatever he can..

this guy doesnt know any specifics on machines from pre 2005, hes on the dosh-ball waggon or maybe even as long ago as a month before the extreme keying?

i think that about wraps it up dont you?
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Post by king_conspiracy »

I think hes an absolute fuck, and as the saying always say "A lie will come back to haunt you, however many times you try to cover it"....Well this kid has a LOT of lies coming back to haunt him, from MANY different people.

I wouldnt want to be in your shoes Dom, I really wouldnt.

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Post by Nixxy »

Dom says:
have you got online banking?
That's enough to make even the most ardent player shivver...
This machine may at times offer a choice where the player has every chance of bankruptcy
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Post by realonroad »

Dom says:
alrite mate
any new tricks for sale mate i got £100 and ill buy some of ya , i got paypal
Dom says:
Dom says:
got holey moley, corrie/bobby dazzler, an emptier for a 35jp machine on test, and a few others
ok ill buy them all
£100 for 10 emptiers ?
Dom says:
Dom says:
you can have 3
yea deal
Dom says:
which ones?
Deal Or No deal
bobby dazler
Dom says:
oh, i also got JTRAR
Dom says:
u can have that as a freebie
go for it
what bank you with
Dom says:
u got online banking?
yeah im with halifax
Dom says:
im natwest
Dom says:
u want my details now?
Dom says:
Name: Dominic Fripp
Dom says:
Account number:********
Name : Alex Dingelbell
Account Number : ********
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Post by toothless11 »

In previous posts, the ones which have now been locked. It states that he thinks its alright that he has now given some decent infomation back To SGT. The fact of the matter is, is that he shouldn't of even bumped SGt in the first place. It was clear that he did something wrong and that he was a cunt. He disappeared off this forum for a long long while and even changed his name... this shows how embarrassed he was or the complexity of his scamming scheme.

You cannot make up for mugging a nice bloke such as SGT, it ain't right.
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Post by Spyder »

18/11/2006 17:15:54 Dom Daave alrite mate, so you want this holey moley info then?
18/11/2006 17:16:29 Daave Dom yeah
18/11/2006 17:16:55 Dom Daave wats the deal then?
18/11/2006 17:17:05 Daave Dom dunno
18/11/2006 17:17:32 Daave Dom what do you want me to say?
18/11/2006 17:17:53 Dom Daave well, i dont know, all i know is i cant give it away for nothing, so you make up a deal
18/11/2006 17:18:41 Daave Dom if it works you get paid, i know of two, and if i can make on it ill pay you, whatever it is should be simple right? so shouldnt cost too much to get going,
18/11/2006 17:19:09 Dom Daave free win
18/11/2006 17:19:35 Dom Daave but cant just give it oyu, how do i know if u did get the LAB info workin, and it wasnt chipped?
18/11/2006 17:19:53 Daave Dom well, for one thing, lab never goes slow on the shells,
18/11/2006 17:19:58 Dom Daave no offence
18/11/2006 17:20:09 Daave Dom cause you need a bonus number in the middle to get the slow shells, nothing to do with getting them red
18/11/2006 17:21:10 Daave Dom its up to you mate,
18/11/2006 17:21:40 Daave Dom i dont lose anything by not knowing it... but if you tell me its a quick couple of £100 in your bacnk once ive made on it
18/11/2006 17:22:13 Daave Dom i dont lose anything by not knowing it... but if you tell me its a quick couple of £100 in your bank once ive made on it
18/11/2006 17:22:54 Dom Daave i lose something if you do a runner with it because thats one more person who knows it, and loose lips cause re-chips
18/11/2006 17:23:19 Daave Dom hmm, fair enough
18/11/2006 17:23:35 Dom Daave no offence, but do you get where i comin from?
18/11/2006 17:23:41 Daave Dom lol funny to hear you say LLCRC tho
18/11/2006 17:23:55 Daave Dom cause thats something i heard a guy called mirror say about 10 years ago
18/11/2006 17:24:14 Dom Daave lol
18/11/2006 17:24:17 Daave Dom look,
18/11/2006 17:24:47 Daave Dom you either wanna give me this and i get it rolling and make a few quid, then you get paid, or you dont give it me, and nothing comes your way...
18/11/2006 17:25:02 Dom Daave i cant just give it you
18/11/2006 17:25:43 Daave Dom look, you wanna trade info cause im skin and if i just gave you what i knew on a machine you have then youd make money that way?
18/11/2006 17:25:48 Daave Dom what do ya say?
18/11/2006 17:26:02 Dom Daave wat you got?
18/11/2006 17:26:28 Daave Dom hmm, i dont really wanna list hte machines im playin at the mo,
18/11/2006 17:26:34 Daave Dom tell me what machines youve got near you...
18/11/2006 17:26:41 Daave Dom an ill let you know if hteres anything i know
18/11/2006 17:26:58 Dom Daave ok
18/11/2006 17:27:02 Dom Daave happy campers?
18/11/2006 17:27:22 Daave Dom extreme, just regular key/nudges for umbers, you wont make a great deal on it
18/11/2006 17:27:28 Daave Dom have you got any £35ers yet
18/11/2006 17:27:45 Dom Daave nope, not as yet
18/11/2006 17:27:55 Dom Daave yeh, i know all the simple stuff on extreme's
18/11/2006 17:28:01 Daave Dom well, theres a couple f things we found out on the demos at the atei
18/11/2006 17:28:05 Dom Daave do you know about the quick pot steal?
18/11/2006 17:28:57 Daave Dom hm, the nudges and shuffle?
18/11/2006 17:29:04 Daave Dom i dont really play the extremes much
18/11/2006 17:29:08 Daave Dom what others ya got?
18/11/2006 17:29:17 Daave Dom most extremes are covered by someone now anyway
18/11/2006 17:29:18 Dom Daave so you do know the pot steal?
18/11/2006 17:29:51 Daave Dom you just nudge for £15 i think, as i said, its too competative for the extremes here.. so i dont bother with them
18/11/2006 17:30:09 Dom Daave no, thats the old nudge trick
18/11/2006 17:30:17 Dom Daave its about gambling at the right time
18/11/2006 17:32:32 Daave Dom ok, i know one thing that'll be of use...
18/11/2006 17:32:40 Dom Daave basically, u have to have a 2.40 start and it be offering a 5'er, then make sure you nudge the red 7 and the JP under the winline, then it will let you gamble to 15-20 nudges because a good win is sooo far away, shuffle for pot!
18/11/2006 17:32:49 Daave Dom where do you live ?
18/11/2006 17:32:53 Dom Daave brum
18/11/2006 17:33:01 Daave Dom birmingham?
18/11/2006 17:33:05 Dom Daave yep
18/11/2006 17:33:12 Daave Dom i bet theres a few 35ers in the arcades soon
18/11/2006 17:33:18 Dom Daave hopefully
18/11/2006 17:33:28 Daave Dom there is one thing i heard of from a mate of a mate.. its on the next wave of barcrest machines
18/11/2006 17:34:27 Daave Dom it was at hte atei this year, on the barcrest/extreme section
18/11/2006 17:34:39 Daave Dom theyre bringing a machine out, one of the first £35ers..
18/11/2006 17:35:10 Daave Dom its a barcrest machine, but its comming out as an extreme.. they're like the same company now, and it was a major decision on which make to bring it out as
18/11/2006 17:35:24 Daave Dom its called "cashalot"
18/11/2006 17:35:40 Daave Dom it has a knights theme..... its a wierd machine, played a bit funny
18/11/2006 17:35:49 Daave Dom looks like fireball/dosh n pecks
18/11/2006 17:35:54 Daave Dom but its an extreme
18/11/2006 17:35:59 Dom Daave oh rite
18/11/2006 17:36:35 Daave Dom did you ever know the juggling jackpots cheat... cause its like that....
18/11/2006 17:36:51 Dom Daave same for JTRAR?
18/11/2006 17:36:54 Daave Dom one of the first features, it offers shit amounts like 20p, 50p etc
18/11/2006 17:36:56 Daave Dom yeah
18/11/2006 17:37:09 Daave Dom jtrar is the same, but it was mended before they brought it out
18/11/2006 17:37:27 Daave Dom the feaure is like cash belt, money belt....
18/11/2006 17:37:37 Daave Dom but it only offers one amount at a time..
18/11/2006 17:38:01 Dom Daave it wasnt because people were doing them round my area
18/11/2006 17:38:13 Daave Dom oh! lol i was told it didnt work,
18/11/2006 17:38:25 Dom Daave i never new it
18/11/2006 17:38:28 Daave Dom anyway.. on thsis £35er, cashalot
18/11/2006 17:38:44 Daave Dom you take the feaure called "kings ransom"
18/11/2006 17:38:54 Daave Dom and it sends money across the screen
18/11/2006 17:38:56 Dom Daave yep
18/11/2006 17:39:00 Daave Dom like 20p and 60p...
18/11/2006 17:39:13 Daave Dom you get three shots..
18/11/2006 17:39:19 Daave Dom and they are really shit amounts,
18/11/2006 17:39:27 Daave Dom but the first one is always 40p
18/11/2006 17:39:33 Daave Dom you have to get hte 40p...
18/11/2006 17:39:45 Daave Dom then the next one will be 50p
18/11/2006 17:39:50 Daave Dom which adds to 90p,
18/11/2006 17:40:01 Daave Dom the thing is, the machine isnt programmed to round up the money.....
18/11/2006 17:40:05 Daave Dom like on other machines,
18/11/2006 17:40:14 Daave Dom cause you shouldnt be able to get less than £1...
18/11/2006 17:40:25 Daave Dom if you get less than £1 it goes wierd...
18/11/2006 17:40:34 Daave Dom it rounds it up by a wierd amount,
18/11/2006 17:40:44 Daave Dom when we were doing it on the test models,
18/11/2006 17:41:03 Daave Dom it was going to like 90p, then going "bonus win" like they usualyy to,,
18/11/2006 17:41:09 Daave Dom but then adding like £9 on
18/11/2006 17:41:16 Daave Dom or once it did £13ish
18/11/2006 17:41:19 Daave Dom and then,
18/11/2006 17:41:28 Daave Dom it doesnt actually pay out what it said...
18/11/2006 17:41:36 Daave Dom it paid out £18.. every time
18/11/2006 17:42:12 Dom Daave hmm..
18/11/2006 17:42:15 Daave Dom are you getting all this?
18/11/2006 17:42:24 Dom Daave what was the cheat for JTRAR?
18/11/2006 17:43:03 Daave Dom i cant remember what the feature was called, it was at the bottom of the circle, and two up on the right..
18/11/2006 17:43:06 Daave Dom you take it,
18/11/2006 17:43:20 Daave Dom and it'd give a cash amount, you had to press the button to collect it...
18/11/2006 17:43:25 Daave Dom it'd do something lik
18/11/2006 17:43:28 Daave Dom like
18/11/2006 17:43:30 Daave Dom £1.20
18/11/2006 17:43:34 Daave Dom 80p
18/11/2006 17:43:36 Daave Dom 50p
18/11/2006 17:43:41 Daave Dom 1.60
18/11/2006 17:43:57 Daave Dom then out of the blue it'd give 25p
18/11/2006 17:44:18 Daave Dom but it was programmed into the machine as 25 not 0.25
18/11/2006 17:44:22 Daave Dom so it gave the pot,
18/11/2006 17:44:37 Dom Daave so the feature 2 up on the right?
18/11/2006 17:44:43 Daave Dom but it knew it'd done it, so it wasnt an empty, you could only do it a couple of times, and it was when it frost came out
18/11/2006 17:45:10 Daave Dom *first
18/11/2006 17:45:38 Dom Daave so on this new machine, take kings ransom, and you get three shots at what?
18/11/2006 17:45:49 Daave Dom its hard to explain
18/11/2006 17:46:01 Daave Dom it "shoots" figures of money onto the lcd screen
18/11/2006 17:46:10 Daave Dom and if you press start it collects that amount
18/11/2006 17:46:15 Daave Dom then adds them up
18/11/2006 17:46:19 Dom Daave like, fast accross it, and you have to stop it on the lcd?
18/11/2006 17:47:01 Daave Dom you have to stop 40p then 50p, then it will lock up for a tiny second, then the screen just says ".90 + bonus win = ***" and where the *** is itll add some random amount on
18/11/2006 17:47:09 Daave Dom yeah it shoots it across,
18/11/2006 17:47:25 Daave Dom but its not fast, it shoots it from the side into the middle,
18/11/2006 17:47:35 Daave Dom waits for you to either shoot for it or ignore it..
18/11/2006 17:47:39 Dom Daave and it stops in the middle?
18/11/2006 17:47:51 Dom Daave do you know pick a win on king ker ching?
18/11/2006 17:48:03 Daave Dom no-one will ever wor k this out cause its the bottom feature and no one'll ever take it and collect just e 90p
18/11/2006 17:48:53 Dom Daave so if you get 3 shots, how do you only collect 2 amounts
18/11/2006 17:48:55 Dom Daave ?
18/11/2006 17:48:59 Daave Dom naa, look, ive told ya this, its for a machine thats not even out on test properly yet, but its gonna pass test, and this bug will still be in it, DONT tell anyone till it comes out properly....
18/11/2006 17:49:19 Daave Dom the machine goes wrong once you take the 50p.. i dunno why, ive never seen anything like it before...
18/11/2006 17:49:42 Dom Daave so the first 2 are definitely 40p and 50p?
18/11/2006 17:49:48 Daave Dom you know when you key a machine and all the lights go out,, it kinda looks like that, it just blinks, then the feature has ended and
18/11/2006 17:49:52 Daave Dom yeah
18/11/2006 17:50:05 Daave Dom if you miss the 40p, itll give another amount, usuall £1.20
18/11/2006 17:50:13 Dom Daave is it easy to hit?
18/11/2006 17:50:35 Daave Dom but if you stop the 40p (its not hard its just not something anyone will normally do) itll offer the 50 on the next shot
18/11/2006 17:50:39 Daave Dom it is piss easy
18/11/2006 17:50:51 Dom Daave so effectively, you could empty it
18/11/2006 17:50:52 Dom Daave ?
18/11/2006 17:51:07 Daave Dom but normally people wait to see hwat the features do righ? and this one offers about £2 - £3.. so noone will ever stop the 40p
18/11/2006 17:51:17 Daave Dom we didnt take it that far at the show,
18/11/2006 17:51:37 Daave Dom my mate was there and the guy on the stall knows my mate.. but if we'd emptied it we'd have been in trouble..
18/11/2006 17:52:29 Daave Dom imagin you are playing just any machine, and collecting the bottom feature, you still get back on the board about £2 later, on any machine, this one thinks its paid out £1, but it pays out loads more by accidet....
18/11/2006 17:52:32 Daave Dom accident
18/11/2006 17:53:05 Dom Daave so theoretically, you could definitely empty it?
18/11/2006 17:53:23 Daave Dom i think so, im assuming so, i dont see any reason why not,
18/11/2006 17:53:43 Daave Dom but if you see one, key it, and leave a good £50 in, casue if they go empty itll get chipped..
18/11/2006 17:54:04 Dom Daave obviously, goes without saying
18/11/2006 17:54:35 Daave Dom so anyway, this is top top info, i shouldnt know it, its just i was stood with my mate, whos a proper pro, i hardly ever see him, jsut a couple of times a year, an he makes a proper living of the machines, but wont ever tell anyone anything....
18/11/2006 17:55:16 Daave Dom are you gonna tell me hoely moley now? if i get one going well, ill still pay you a fair share of the profit, its just i live in a shittly little town outside derby, and noone is having £35ers yet
18/11/2006 17:55:29 Daave Dom in brum there will be loads soon, its a massive city...
18/11/2006 17:55:49 Dom Daave how do i know that wasnt complete bullshit? not saying it is, but you know where i cumin from
18/11/2006 17:55:58 Daave Dom did you know they trialed the ladbrooks roulette in brum? and they started the £500ers there too to test
18/11/2006 17:56:12 Daave Dom mate, im giving you top up to date info on a mcahine thats not out,
18/11/2006 17:56:30 Daave Dom theres a food chain in the fruity world, and its very rarely that i get it from the top...
18/11/2006 17:56:42 Daave Dom im only telling you this so we can trust each other, why would i lie....
18/11/2006 17:56:50 Dom Daave so y wud you tell me then?
18/11/2006 17:56:56 Dom Daave just curious
18/11/2006 17:57:03 Daave Dom if i get any of these new £35ers im not gonna be online for a while cause im gonna be out hitting every one i can find
18/11/2006 17:57:38 Daave Dom you tried to give me LAB and it ended up chipped, the timng i didnt tell ya about hat was that it was in our local spoons, and when i went to try it it had gone...
18/11/2006 17:58:05 Daave Dom so im out that night, and its only been moved a couple of doors away.... and i played it there.. so im assuming they chipped it when theey moved it
18/11/2006 17:58:21 Dom Daave so y did you tell me i didnt work, there will be chips in spoons anyway, there well up to date
18/11/2006 17:58:33 Daave Dom well, it didnt work
18/11/2006 17:58:36 Daave Dom not when i tried it
18/11/2006 17:58:54 Dom Daave u must have been a matter oof hours too late!
18/11/2006 17:58:59 Daave Dom if id got to it earlyer we might havve had some luck on it, but htey must have moved it and chipped it....
18/11/2006 17:59:07 Daave Dom it was literally the next day..
18/11/2006 17:59:22 Daave Dom ive got a shitty bellfruit "cludeo" now...
18/11/2006 18:01:12 Daave Dom you gonna tell me or are ya gonna bail on me
18/11/2006 18:02:40 Dom Daave £7 is free
18/11/2006 18:02:47 Daave Dom on holey moley?
18/11/2006 18:02:55 Daave Dom just the cash win?
18/11/2006 18:03:00 Dom Daave yep
18/11/2006 18:03:42 Daave Dom you emptied any?
18/11/2006 18:03:57 Dom Daave many, had it for bout 2 months
18/11/2006 18:04:08 Dom Daave that little mole payed for my car
18/11/2006 18:04:11 Daave Dom lo
18/11/2006 18:04:12 Daave Dom l
18/11/2006 18:04:25 Daave Dom so, what ya do, just keep taking 7 over and over...
18/11/2006 18:04:29 Dom Daave yep
18/11/2006 18:04:39 Daave Dom cause if it doesnt register the win itll roll after for someone else?
18/11/2006 18:04:41 Dom Daave remember, loose lips cause re-chips
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Post by Spyder »

now he knows juggling jackpots and cashalot

lol oh dear, loose lips cause rechips
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Post by Spyder »

right, dont start getting abusive or anything...

dont start slagging him off personally, that'll get this thread locked...

anyone who has incriminating msn log files on him, just post them on this thread, once we have enough itll be a pernament fixture on the site, and if anyone comes along who talks to him we can point them in this direction so they know how much of a blaggin con this guy is,

i made up some info on a machine thats not even out yet... from a picture of it on fruit emu test machines post...

ive never seen it or played it

just keep em comming so that he'll be so screwed over by what he is saying that he'll just go away.
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Post by realonroad »

wheres my info
Dom says:
where's my money?
in your bank
dont skank me or im ringing the old bill
Dom says:
no offence, but im not sure if you have put the money in
Dom says:
i have put 100 uk pounds into domonic fripps account
Dom says:
you spelt my name wrong,
Dominic Fripp
Dom says:
Dom says:
u got the screenshot then?
if you dont give me the information
do you know what offense you commited
Dom says:
yes, but im not going to commit any offence, if you havent really sent the money, you have committed fraud too
Dom says:
all i want is a screen shot
how can i commit fraud
if i have payed £100 into your bank
Dom says:
i not havin a go mate
Dom says:
just need a bit of proof
Dom says:
thats all

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Post by Spyder »

im replying to my own post so much now its unreal, maybe i should drink less of these cans of carling before typing on the net...

make stuff up, lie cheat steal and pull hair to see how far stuff spreads, make up emptyers for machines hat dont even exist

£25 bubble madness - a machine with a bubblegum theme, never existed, never will....

its a barcrest, somone who has this dick on msn buzz him and tell him its the latest thing.. i bet within minutes we all have a email offering the trick

do it, itll be fun
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Post by realonroad »

Dom says:
deal or no deal, 8 pound is free on the cash stack, LAB, red 7's are free on stop n step, and bobby dazzler, you need to get the machine to offer mega streak, when it does this, take the normal jp off nudges, this is a free win, next board will be the same
Dom says:
alrite? have fun!
Dom says:
you better have paid the money in mate
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Post by king_conspiracy »

i know the LAB info, and that is not it....It is NOTHING to do with stop n step.

That DOND is also bullshit.

And the Bobby Dazzler sounds far fetched and with a machine that offers flat 25's ALL the time on mega streak, im sure plenty of people have opted for JP in other ways before....Hence that info would have spread like wildfire.

Im sure half the shit he gets is off Super Arcadia AKA Rumour Centrale.

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Post by mjd »

funny story this week, someone trading insults over the interweb to a very pissed off individual was tracked down a,d attacked with a pickaxe head.. lol... good man!
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Post by Dunhamzzz »

You two. (realonroad, dom) are seriously as bad as each other. its like the blind leading the blind.