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Bell Fruit Deal or No Deal Pure Gold

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 11:03 pm
by hankiepanky
Wonder if any of you guys here have come across this particular 'fruitie' as seen in link here :

Just a general query really ??
Still in our local snooker hall,(seems to have been there for ever lol),more often than usual,I've been collecting either Turbo Cash or £3/4,I have though just before collecting one of them,been offered 'Feature Strikes'(usually 2,rare time 3),my question is: 'Do the features go back to bottom of ladder if you understand what I'm saying here' ?
I know there are some machines where if you take say feature strikes,you will play however many strikes you have or until you get a win you are satisfied with,and features start from wherever on matrix ladder you happened to be,all those below were not in game play at all for this particular board ?
If this does happen to be the case,I'm thinking I've lost soooooo much over last month,but it's just played completely different to what I've seen these play before. :(
Say for example,you collected 3 feature strikes,and whilst going round game board you had reached 'Turbo Cash',your strikes would begin from 'Turbo Cash' and it would not be an option to hit anything underneath this ?
Could anybody with playing experience of this machine please let me know ?
Also,1 final thing,'IF' this is correct,surely same would apply to cash strikes/cash ladder values ??

Thanks guys/girls,I know you're quite a brain set regards gaming machines of this nature so figured this best forum to get some kind of response.
As always thanks in advance for help/advice/info given here :)