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Those that know, know

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:37 am
by JG
Right. That other account I had. Apparantly, the person who's name that account was in IS NOT AMUSED. I suspect this is due to spurious information being fed to him from other sources. I think if the person concerned had viewed my postings, they may have chuckled to themselves. As it was, they probably heard "That JG is taking the piss out of you, you need to sort it out" from people who love to stir up any non situation.

This was explained to me today. This person is most unhappy with me. Although the account was meant in good taste, it has been perceived as 'taking the piss' which was not the intention. I hope that people could see it was just banter. Looking back at the threads it was interesting to see at first some people playing along with it and then a point came where the responses were less friendly. However, in the interests of good taste and not wanting to cause offence I have removed the offending postings under the account. The account still exists and if the person concerned (or their representative) wishes to contact me directly on here or indirectly via Ladbrokes Licenced Betting Office @ <<location deleted as I had to leave a big Keybet in haste due to unforseen circumstances>> hopefully we can make things peaceful again and this person can take rightful ownership of the account. So if you've mentioned a certain person in your posts, then you may well find your posts have been altered so that the name does not appear in any context. I can't make this any clearer, but needless to say ANY future posts under this other account will NOT be by myself. Other than currently having the password to which I will surrender this to the rightful or just owner, I have no jurisdictions over that account any more.

All the best and sorry for any inconvenience,


Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:56 am
by dog section
oh my

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:44 am
by Lilly Satou
My*, my.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:38 pm
by dog section
dear lilly. i think i love you.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:21 am
by Roll_With_It_Russ
Say what

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:33 am
by Ruler of The World
This is another thing I hate about Fruitchat! That damned Lily thing always trying to communicate in some encrypted code which I am certain only IT understands! Then people posting 1 or 2 words going along with it! This is retarded!

I'm sure if I made a new thread now called Birthday Cake and wrote Candles and fire, some idiot would attempt to play along with it! With what???? Can we just be NORMAL???

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:16 pm
by JG
Agreed Ruler. I make a posting trying to make amends with S****** and absolutely f all gets said. No message whatsoever. Just some twaddle. Yet if I'd posted my usual 'stay out of Redditch or you'll get a smack' then in two seconds flat you'd get feeder on the blower to S or L and a message would appear saying S looks forward to seeing you in King's Heath. I await postings about cake and candles and the usual hostilities next time I see S or L.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:27 pm
by doingthem
Fuck sparrow and fuck little man would have to be mentally deranged to want to speak to such a couple of cunts

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:19 pm
by quizard
Crikey. I wish I knew what you guys were on about sometimes lol.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:00 pm
by Ruler of The World
Never heard of any of em but for once I agree with Kesh, no point trying to talk to them just do your thing and explain if you absolutely have to.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 12:50 am
by doingthem
Have you had a software update or something

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 6:13 am
by Ruler of The World
Me? Software update? Perhaps if you call experience a type of human software update, I guess you could say that but it's not a recent one. I think it's common sense to not let people or their reputations intimate you, just deal with them as they come and based on how you find them; not how they've been described to you. I know of a case where a guy was bullied by a very big bully and it just isn't a situation I would let happen even if it meant having to resort to a fight and some injuries... If you don't stand up to bullies, they just own you; they always have a hold on you and never stop... You never win by backing down in cases like this.

Perhaps that's a software update for a few people here.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:57 pm
by trayhop123
your right of course ahmed , but not everyone can find the courage to be that brave ,,,,,,,,,, plus have you heard the expression balls will get you so far , then they'll get you killed .

im in no way condoning the bullying , its appalling to the extreme , and i admire your resolve to fight fire with fire , but its simply not an option for most decent people who would rather avoid conflict even if that means being branded a coward ,,,,,,,, personally i would sooner back down , get in my car and drive to another area , i have enough challenges in my daily life to worry about without having to be constantly on edge looking over my shoulder from every machine thinking any minute i could get a glass/knife whatever thrown at me , especially over silly fruit machines and the fact that i can travel to a vast amount of alternatives , ,,,,,,,,,, in short , its simply not worth the aggro ,,,,,,,,, some may call that cowardice and their right to a degree , but i call it common sense ,,,,,,, its not like they are threatening my family or anything , to which i obviously would adopt a more hardline approach more in line with yours.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:25 am
by JG
I googled that expression Lee and it came up with a quote from Speed, but substitute balls for guts.

I hear there's far worse going on in Newcastle and Liverpool. You get the desperate smackhead type rats who will stick a knife in you, no questions asked. There might be some people like that in our localities, but I've not met them yet. Thankfully the worst we have in our localities are just rather stroppy territorial players who can be unfriendly and displeased to see you at times. Good points made in both yours and ROTW's post.

Quizard - do SWP players ever get territorial?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:41 am
by Ruler of The World
trayhop123 wrote:your right of course ahmed , but not everyone can find the courage to be that brave ,,,,,,,,,, plus have you heard the expression balls will get you so far , then they'll get you killed .

im in no way condoning the bullying , its appalling to the extreme , and i admire your resolve to fight fire with fire , but its simply not an option for most decent people who would rather avoid conflict even if that means being branded a coward ,,,,,,,, personally i would sooner back down , get in my car and drive to another area , i have enough challenges in my daily life to worry about without having to be constantly on edge looking over my shoulder from every machine thinking any minute i could get a glass/knife whatever thrown at me , especially over silly fruit machines and the fact that i can travel to a vast amount of alternatives , ,,,,,,,,,, in short , its simply not worth the aggro ,,,,,,,,, some may call that cowardice and their right to a degree , but i call it common sense ,,,,,,, its not like they are threatening my family or anything , to which i obviously would adopt a more hardline approach more in line with yours.
Stay out of my area then!!!! You're not welcome in London! If I see you I'll just point you out as a racist to the immigrants!!!