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I'm sorry...

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 6:47 pm
by Ruler of The World
I've tried my best to revive this forum, both the fruit sections and bookies... its just hopeless. I feel like the doctor who has to come out and tell you "I'm sorry, we did our very best... but..."

What the hell went wrong? All I know is there were a couple of annoying pricks, some of you may consider me to be one but I thought on the whole I made more sense than most (well, maybe all actually)... I even tried to be controversial a few times but even that didn't work (can be dangerous you know)!

I've been banned for predicting the forthcoming death before, now no one even argues.

In a sick twist it would be amusing if I did get banned now for the nature of this post as I think maybe the only people who notice would be mods! I think this forum is so desperate for new posts now that they'd entertain any post about any old shit and be grateful - that's prompting a post from a random mod like "Actually, we're not that desperate!" followed by a thread locking!

Well I have 1 last idea that might help! Open a load of controversial locked threads again and let the wars continue! Obviously we would need to be informed and it would take a while for the word to spread. Sadly though, I feel even this would be futile.

Well anyway... betting odds for number of replies to this thread:
1/4 0,
2/1 1-10,
6/1 11-20,
100/1 20+

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:50 pm
by Glendale
Never agreed with people getting banned from the site, theres many i dont get on with and vice versa but its meant to be a debate site not friends reunited!

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 10:55 pm
by AMK
4 points from Malta.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 1:32 am
by Lilly Satou
My, my.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 1:46 am
by JG
Tell a few jokes, get the party started. I once met a miserly wasp. He was always in a real stingy mood.

Seriously though I got mugged the other day, by Bruce Forsyth. He said knife to see you, to see you knife.

Raffles Amusements in Gloucester does NOT have Top Trumps on the Triple 777 any more. Gutted I drove several miles North to Worcester where a man cut my leg off. I didn't mind as I've always liked Worcester saws.

What do you call a nut suffering with hay fever?

A cashew nut.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 1:56 am
by JG
Just thought of another one.

Oh no. Sorry. Forgotten it.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 4:20 am
by Ruler of The World
Well, nothing changes on Fruitchat, we're off topic immediately but better that than no replies!

I watched Brick Mansions today as I am a bit of a Paul Walker fan/sympathiser... I already watched his rather boring other movie made just before his death, Hours which really needed a few more people in it! This movie has some good fight scenes and a rather ridiculously agile and acrobatic individual who is supposed to be from France, a rather ridiculous storyline and twist... never gonna be Oscar material but better than sitting around here checking for posts... 6/10

When was the last time anyone went on a 'service run'? I seem to remember the last time I went to more than 5 service stations in a day was around Fireball times! I almost miss the overpriced, over greased breakfasts!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 4:46 am
by bubbles
you are this site's saviour Ruler!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 4:49 am
by Ruler of The World
Now let's not get carried away or I'll start to think we should call it Ruler of The World Chat.

I wish I knew why I'm awake right now! Why is your location Paris???

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 4:53 am
by bubbles
i'm redlinesman's security, he relocated me.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 4:59 am
by Ruler of The World
Credit to him then, I'm available for security work as long as its not in the middle east or China! I do think a more accurate name for him would be Fantasy Waffler but I'm sure everyone left logging in here would entertain one of his yarns - I'm even tempted to read a fresh novel length post by JG at the moment just so I can get back to sleep! No offence, JG!

Oh, I ordered a Big Mac with no pickles yesterday, had to tell the bitch on the speaker 3 times NO pickles and how many did I get? 6!!!!!!! I just picked them out and threw them out of my car window!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:00 am
by bubbles
i'm awake praying the scousers dont pull a miracle today, although will prob cover myself by backing them as i can't afford another slip up like o sullivan last week! that cost me and i could've easily covered my arse cheaply at 10-5....

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:03 am
by Ruler of The World
Oh I'll help you then! Liverpool will massacre the hopeless Newcastle United today, I guarantee it!

Last time I said that was about Spurs - they lost 0-1.

There, no need to cover yourself now!

I think O'Sullivan threw that game. Mind you, Selby is so fucking boring and annoying even to watch that it wouldn't surprise me if he just frustrated all the will out of the impatient, miserable git!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:10 am
by bubbles

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:15 am
by Ruler of The World
A device????

I'm going to win the Scoop 6 next week, will be buying a nice car when I do :)

Considering I am unofficially the best driver in the world, it would be fitting that I have a car to match. Sadly, I spent enough on gambling to have a few Aston Martins, Ferraris or Lamborghinis and have never driven any!