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Latest top secret methods shhhh

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:37 am
by amazing
Okay so maybe a few of you no I'm not spoon fed now
And a certain few (mentioning no names) are eating there words
Understanding machines takes years to master that's for sure and not everyone can do it!
Maybe just maybe others can work emptiers methods tricks out quicker etc
I don't think I'm no top seed infact far from it by my own admission
But when other players go to extreme lengths to try and bad mouth u cut u off etc,and it bk fires on them
A bit of proof soon puts them bk in line lol
All it has done has helped me over the years become more determined anyway
Received 3 emails today
1st one asking me to edit post (wonder why lol) done now anyway
2x decent new contacts
Funny how people want to no u when u have new stuff on the go ain't it?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:54 am
by JG
Which post was edited? The one where you said the proper Alice method was about knowing a sequence of numbers?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:38 am
by Oscar
amazing wrote:Okay so maybe a few of you no I'm not spoon fed now
And a certain few (mentioning no names) are eating there words
Understanding machines takes years to master that's for sure and not everyone can do it!
Maybe just maybe others can work emptiers methods tricks out quicker etc
I don't think I'm no top seed infact far from it by my own admission
But when other players go to extreme lengths to try and bad mouth u cut u off etc,and it bk fires on them
A bit of proof soon puts them bk in line lol
All it has done has helped me over the years become more determined anyway
Received 3 emails today
1st one asking me to edit post (wonder why lol) done now anyway
2x decent new contacts
Funny how people want to no u when u have new stuff on the go ain't it?
I wouldn't describe someone as a decent new contact solely from an email.

You sound like someone rapidly becoming immersed in thier own hype.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:19 am
by feeder22
Hey amazing, my tricks are better than your tricks.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:03 pm
by amazing
JG wrote:Which post was edited? The one where you said the proper Alice method was about knowing a sequence of numbers?
No mate not that at all

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:03 pm
by amazing
feeder22 wrote:Hey amazing, my tricks are better than your tricks.
LOL good hope u do well with them I'm happy with mine ta

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:04 pm
by amazing
Oscar wrote:I wouldn't describe someone as a decent new contact solely from an email.

You sound like someone rapidly becoming immersed in thier own hype.
Pmsl u could be right

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:38 pm
by trayhop123
amazing wrote:Okay so maybe a few of you no I'm not spoon fed now
And a certain few (mentioning no names) are eating there words
Understanding machines takes years to master that's for sure and not everyone can do it!
Maybe just maybe others can work emptiers methods tricks out quicker etc
I don't think I'm no top seed infact far from it by my own admission
But when other players go to extreme lengths to try and bad mouth u cut u off etc,and it bk fires on them
A bit of proof soon puts them bk in line lol
All it has done has helped me over the years become more determined anyway
Received 3 emails today
1st one asking me to edit post (wonder why lol) done now anyway
2x decent new contacts
Funny how people want to no u when u have new stuff on the go ain't it?

well , i can only assume thats aimed at me

like i said shaun , if you have methods good luck to you. ,,,,,,,, you may well know a little more on b.o's for example , or other machines , fair play , best of luck to you genuinely ,

but im not eating any words over alices , because as far as im aware , not one other player in the whole country has your guaranteed 20per unit/500daily method

and the maths dont add up ,,,,,,,,, why ?

because there's a huge difference between ''maybe'' money methods ,,,like the one we all have,, and '' guaranteed '' money methods , like yours

if i had a ''guaranteed'' 500 a day method , ,,,,,,,,, knowing how fickle the timespan on it could be ,,,,,, i would exploit it to the max

first of all , i wouldn't be playing any ''maybe'' machines whatsoever ,,,,,,,,,, and i would distance myself from my own town of prying eyes (other players, landlords, regulars that know me etc)

i would be in london , 7days ,unlimited units, earning £3500 a week ,,,,,,,,,,,, taking off hotel/tube food expenses ,,,,,, a guaranteed 3k a week

never having to play the same unit twice or arouse any suspicion etc

i would be killing myself with 5hrs sleep , back in the 7am spoons till close , to make even more ,,,,,,,,,,i would put all family life etc on hold , to maximise the potential

**** not one other pro player will disagree with me on this ****

i wouldn't be playing any ''maybe'' money machines around notts ,,,,,,,, where you are regularly spotted

because even b.o's , perfects , mists etc ,,,,,,,,,,, as good as they can be are still only ''maybe's''

why would you even be spending any time on here , let alone be playing anything else ,,,,,,,,,,,,, you would either be sleeping , eating , shitting , drinking , or maxing alice.

and now you say their chipped lol ,,,,,,,,, well thats convenient ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ***can anybody else confirm that there is a p2 for alices ?***

shaun ,,,,,,,,,,,,, what you are *****most failing to see overall**** , is this isn't any personal steeped in history rivalry on any level ,,,,,,,,,,,,, i didn't know who you were originally when you posted your bold alice claims ,,,,,,,,,,,,, i would have pulled anybody else up on this

its nothing personal ,,,,,,,,,,, my original post was that its easy to make bold claims whilst remaining anon ,,,,,,,,,, and its a point that still stands ,,,,,,,, because now that we know who you are , we know it is all lies ,,,,,,,,,,, there hasn't even been any rechip ffs

if you have other good methods , absolutely best of fortune to you shaun ,,,,,,,,,, i have nothing personal against you whatsoever , and hope you are well etc

but your alice claim simply holds no water

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:45 pm
by titchno1
Most of the time I'm on this forum is when I'm shitting. Even now.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:54 pm
by feeder22
I'd get that checked out titch.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:06 pm
by JG
Lee there is no Alice method as such. There are a group of people on this board who are on the wind up. Period. Not on their period. They're on the wind up. Wind up. These people are Noel's Beard, Feeder, Amazing, Redlinesman and probably one or two others that I can't think of at this moment. So you're all on your Drunken Clams right boys? You got the method for that? What is it again? Put in £200 on 25p stake for the super feature all prized up and you get your £70 then flick up for the £70 on the £1 stake that costs £40 to get then get your Super Deal Cob out which will give a big box? You might even get the freebie whippedy whoopedy reverse icon whippedy blooh blah if you're lucky. That's the method isn't it?
Is it F***! There's no method! Why? Pie? Sky? Well...oh and before I go on CWC stands for constantly winning continuously. I knew that. It's a variant on K5's AWT (another winning tale). You've applied it to cf who is of the same gang. I bet you have three letter acronyms for all the Jackpotty Crew. Maybe Steelfix is ABP. Another big pie. Who knows? Anyway I'm sure I'm bang on the money, but I've come off the rails.
Look it boils down to this and I can't mention names here as people will get in trouble. But someone has rung someone else up saying something silly to this person and this person what has rung up this other mush what is listening to what this person is saying is saying something that would indicate THERE ARE NO TOP BOY METHODS PER SE, I mean look, the only thing out there at the moment is my MACHINE X thing. MACHEEEEEEEEEENE X. Yes and only I am allowed to play that. Oh and OBs TSL TSB TSM methods TM that no one else is privvy to but basically entail getting supremely lucky on lo tech shite.

Lee, chill out. There is no Alice method. I've tried it all on the ipod. I've tried taking the deal when all the clocks are red bar one. I've tried kicking it, punching it, shaking it, tilting it, turning wi-fi off and cranking the volume up. None of it works. There ain't no Alice method. I mean I bet this Shaun from Notts has been chuckling. One, because he's copied his name from the real Shaun from Notts, the proper Shaun who is going around playing HOFs and other stuff which I am sworn to secrecy on and two like you say if he did have a 20/30 per unit practially guaranteed you wouldn't be kufcnig around on ballache Perfects. There's no such thing as a TSL Perfect, it don't exist. They're player magnets. Of course you can catch them right, but you'll have to check around 23628 dead ones, 46872 play up ones and finally you find the one that Mr. Suit has left red boxing. Or you can take them on in any state fearless, safe in the knowledge that you'll get 86 bonus boards six double blag rips and 37 4,7,9,2,6 bonus skill f*** me up the a*** boards that give you money back for that miracle recovery.
I love you to bits Lee, you've broken down the nonsense and presented it in a coherent and down to earth argument designed to stump even the most determined blag artist. Oscar will be along now to make a silly highly sarcastic but pleasantly amusing post about how we should all love Lee to bits a little bit more. The right honourable Lee of Leicestershire. I too BFK, was going to bet on that Oscar Time e/w but was too apathetic to bother.
I'm off now to carry on my own system. I've got some sticky back plastic and some scissors. Yes I've been watching Blue Peter. They've told me how to convert that old cornflakes box into a rigged Rainbow Riches ultra spins £20 a pop Coral filthy shites rip you off special. I'm going to leave these cornflakes boxes round the recycle bins near Quinton Park and then pop over there just before the council come to collect them. I estimate I'll have about £3860 of cash to pick up and £8000 or so on the card machine (made out of Weetabix packets). soon I'll have enough to build my own time machine and I'll beam myself back to February 2007 and I'll walk into the Betfred on the Raventry Doad. and do you know what will be in there? Shaun from Notts, both of them no doubt would like it. Do you know what's in there? Is it Pure Pots UBER SPINS? Is it? No. That's not there. Is it 3D roulette? No. Is it Jackpot King? No. Is it a p1 dial? Yes that is honestly in there back in that moment of time. Enjoy all you fellow timetravelling fruit pros who have travelled back in time (or forwards if you've already done the Jennings happeny farthing nudgers from 1963) to read this message and pick up on the location.

JG: IN fact the only thing I can believe THIS WHOLE day is Titchno saying that he only reads this forum when he's having a shit. That I can believe.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:18 pm
by feeder22
Nope you're wrong there.

The W in both cases is 'with'.

There's two versions of Alice's have been for months. Some let you go against the next number message and survive others don't.
Drunken clambs is not a wind up well maybe it's winding JG up a little neither was Alice's for that matter but I haven't got time to be playing those games ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:22 pm
by trayhop123
yes feeder ,,,,,,,,,,, but not a guarantee 20/500 day , whichever chip . end of

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:25 pm
by JG
Even if you go against next number you're only getting an extra message. Feeder are you on Pure Pots as well? Huge money to be made.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:27 pm
by feeder22
More like wasting 20/500 a day finding the right ones.

And seems as we've got a collection of mods here where's my VIP entry?