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just that old chestnut

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:33 pm
by trayhop123
the recent war between noel glendale logo etc , boils down to the same old bollocks yet again , , , the self proclaim'd fallacy that "my contacts are more important than yours" chestnut , , ,

player A from up north thinks his contacts are righteous and that player B's contacts are blabbermouths , and vice versa

im a big mouth to some , and a trusted contact to others, , , , ya cant win

where does this mentality stem from ??? , , , why does player A think his contacts are any more imporant than player , ,B , C, D etc ?

the problem arrises of course when player B tells his contacts something who play in player A's area etc

but thats just tough shit , part n parcel of being on the chain

and if your arrogant enough to think your not part of the chain and that your some lone wolf , your wrong , , , the only time your not part of the chain is if you discover something yourself , AND KEEP IT TO YOUR SELF,,,

i put it to the group that there are essentially no big mouths ,

it also makes me laugh how some players say that they have never given anyone anything, the "im no bigmouth claim lol" , , , i only talk to 1 person claim , , he gives me stuff and it go's no further ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fair enough , but what does that make your m8 then ? doesnt it make him a big mouth in your eyes for giving you something ??? lol and what must he think of you, knowing that you by your big mouth rule think he's a big mouth

noel you profes that your on new stuff , fair play , so why do you give a fuck who darren talks to in your area etc ? bit of a paradox isnt it?

its all childish bollocks , , , , , your contacts are no more important than the next mans. , , ,

pages full of childish bollocks , all down to jealousy. , , ,

i appreciate times are tough right now , (unless your amazing lol), but instead of blaming others with your frustration, get off your arses travel and knuckle down ,

through my own fault i cant drive at the mo . but i dont blame others , i adapt , i take a pt time conventional job to top up what i can do

adapt and grow up. . ,,,,,, or get out , ,,,,,

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:45 pm
by titchno1
Good post. Always say it how it is. I just didnt get why Noel was jumping to conclusions with me and Darren? I'd be intrested to know if he could post it with not so many big words in.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:49 pm
by titchno1
Surely in some cases their is very small groups of players that share things amongst themselves but they go no further? This could be through trust and honesty over the years an if some one leaks then they are eliminated from the chain.

Believe it or not I think the best way to do it is talk to as many people a possible. That way you arnt going to miss much.

That isn't my style though I got head aches off talking two local lads due to them arguing and blaming each other so I didnt bother anymore. I'm happy with whatever is passed down if I don't work something out. My work ethic etc still makes me money on the general.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:54 pm
by trayhop123
failing all of this ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

,,,,,,,,,,, leicester market cucumbers 50p

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:11 pm
by pfc657
i have 2 contacts, neither contact know eachother, both trust me , i trust them, to be honest i dont want any other contacts not worth the hassle, one of them i only speak to on the phone, the other i do the odd day with , few games of pool, bite to eat etc. im happy with the way things are and it keeps things simple.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:41 pm
by trayhop123
fair enough , im sure theres a few with a similar setup

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:07 pm
by Noels Beard
Ok Lee, i think you have a bit of an axe to grind here, but I'll go to the trouble of explaining anyway. The issue was to do with ruining a whole area of the country, through being firstly lazy, secondly selfish, and totally lacking in self-moderation. When we go into a pub to play the machine, we don't show all the locals how to play it do we? Because we want it to be ready the next time we come back. Selfish yes, but that's just the way it works. Glendale went up to the North East, circa numbering Electrocoins, but suffered from his age old problem of a lack of transport combined with a lack of locations. Rather than look, he took a two-bit player under his wing (Paul), showed him how to play Electros, in return for some more locations. This set in turn a chain of events that has created dozens more players, and is an example of how one mans stupidity can do an exponential amount of damage. When I drive over to Leicester, and wanna find some machines to play, do I do the same? No. Out of respect for those who are making a living out of that stuff. Now believe me, I could dump a whole load of shit on everyone's doorstep if I wanted. I do KNOW how to play Red Mist Lee. But I'm not gonna sit in Fenchurch St training up. It's ungentlemanly conduct.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:15 pm
by titchno1
was that an answer to my question aswell will? If anything i should of been complaining. Things happen you just have to get on with it. At the time i passed a couple of locations on aswell. I didnt play them then i couldnt skill. No one else could of been doing em. Their was other playables in the bars that were always ready not to mention electros always numbering. They were no good to me so why not pass them on. I must of only give him 2 i think.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:27 pm
by Glendale
I should have turned down all those electros titch! Not forgetting about 20 winstoppers and cluedos! Cant believe that you watched me play one and could hit the skill straight away? :-) Cant see how this thread is going to end, much, so will read the next lot of rubbish to help me sleep! :-)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:28 pm
by trayhop123
thats actually a fair post will ,

im just saying this , , , if you didn't discover the info yourself , you have no control of where it will go , and try as you might others burning your area is par for the course,

i have no axe to grind will , , , , but pages of arguments get tedious, especially when its all futile ,

if you were to discover something yourself and you gave it to glendale , i could understand you having the arse with him if he spread it, i would be pissed too.

but any info that didn't originate from your own brain. ??? surely is fair game isn't it ? for anyone who gets it , and even if these people did get their info from darren , surely they have as much right to earn from it as you and your contacts do dont they ???

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:32 pm
by titchno1
Still never played a winstopper in my life. Yeah glendale you should have turned them down because now i seen you skill it up iv hit middle winline everytime. Amazing really. Obviously we knew all features etc but we couldnt playe em. If you were round my area at time i would of pointed you to them or anybody else. they were no good to me. Some one else may aswell benefit from them. I got that alien in return every one is barred from. Cant remeber that program im sure it was 4 or 5 pots in it aswell. was it p2?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:36 pm
by Glendale
P2 in the case is altered titch! Beats me how you got away with doing that! Old cow still has it! Oh no, now everyone knows! Its only been there 3 years! :-)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:39 pm
by titchno1
its still there?! im packing my bags...

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:39 pm
by trayhop123
also will, dont insult my intelligence by saying youve never gave anyone anything .

so when you give someone something, if they decide to travel down south into other peoples areas , isnt that just the same thing that is hapening to you right now ? , , ,

like i said , if the info didn't originate in your brain , you havent a leg to stand on here , wether you like it or not it is a case of sour grapes and "my contacts are more important than yours" fallacy

sorry will m8 im not trying to fall out with you or antagonize you whatsoever, , , , , but again i have to ask what gives you the right over any other player ?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:58 pm
by Noels Beard
The point is that there is only an advantage whilst its information that not everyone has to hand. When an area becomes saturated with players, it's useless. No one then makes Amy money, they have to drive miles to London or such like. I don't train people up from clueless, which is what we're really talking about here. All the Chester-Le-street boys....blah blah... You ever go there? I did. Numerous times over the years. There were no players there at all. It was touched on by players from Durham and Newcastle. Ok Glendale got some free locations, but the scene inherited loads of new players that might like to come shit on YOUR doorstep Lee.

Now I'm all for your very socially minded view of playing things. Whereby we all just basically tell each other how to play stuff. But there is the incentive for any of us to work anything out? Oh I forget, you wouldn't know.