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Players Diets

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:37 pm
by Ruler of The World
Since the good old Skill Quest days, I've gained about 3 stone!

I blame the misery of my personal life a bit after it was over, I had slimmed down nicely but could not finish off the job by going to gyms and excercising due to a severe injury I obtained from a car crash...which got worse after another car crash (both not my fault, officially)...not trying to get the violins out here...

I just decided 1 day I had had enough, that being slim wasn't making me happy and I do love my food! Especially when it's loaded up with sugar and carbs!!! I especially remember buying 3 fresh doughnuts from what was then my local baker, 2 were sugar coated and 1 iced... I felt evil as I indulged, felt I was undoing all the hard work to lose weight, all the walking, not giving in to temptation, sort of like betraying myself...felt the sugar on my lips, felt the inside of my stomach being coated in some sort of glue which would make everything else I would ingest from that point be stuck there and resurrect my old belly bulge! To my credit, it did take a long time to put back on the weight I'd lost, I'm still not quite as heavy as I was but the difference is now a couple of deep pan pizzas away.

The rather too ideal to be true Sir Redlinesman claims to dine well... I myself used to indulge in fine cuisine during the prosperous period I mentioned earlier, but since my harsh fall back down into reality, it's now been fast food for a good 3 years!

Is anyone on here eating healthily and still managing to do well? I find it impossible to be where scheduled on any fruit machine run so how could you possibly plan where you'll eat!?

Has anyone tried Moodog doughnuts? Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Worth fucking off any diet for them!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:58 pm
by Captain.Tattybojangles
I don't really eat well at all lol, normally it's a pub crawl followed by a takeaway if I'm out, and a greasy spoon fry-up the next day.(Wetherspoons has gone a little downhill for fryups IMO) Other than that at home I do get through a fair few carbs...I can make a mean bolognese if I want to, and I normally buy the bakery bread and not the usual packaged sliced bread, so I have to get through that quite quickly before it gets unpleasant. Me and a few housemates sometimes do "Crap Runs" to the local Sainsbury's which basically entails going and filling a basket with all sorts of sweet tasting but unhealthy food.

I don't really do any exercise for exercise's sake, IE I don't go out for a run, or to the gym, but I do walk pretty much everywhere, it's a good half hour walk to uni and then I do the same back, which I like to do, can't stand the buses too much.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:12 pm
by titchno1
I can say iv been been in to weight lifting with my mate for the last 8 month or so. Lost some body fat unintended due to my diet cleaning up and the regular excercise. 11 weeks left and I'm going to start cutting. Going to take it serious I would like to know what I'm hiding under the stomach fat.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:46 am
by BFK

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:21 am
by mr lugsy
are you an emo titch?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:25 pm
by trayhop123
you bulk with heavy weights and low reps , with the right diet , ,,,,,,,,, then you "cut" with light weights and far more reps , again with the right diet

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:55 pm
by titchno1
Yep get rid off the body fat. Yeah I'm a emo I'm gunna 'cut' it off.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:10 pm
by mr lugsy

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:18 am
by JG
After a day of play ups, the last thing you want to eat is Couscous and lentils. Yes, you can go to the market and buy your natural ingredients or you can stop off at the ASDA and buy the £1 feasters burger and Kit Kat chunky and McCoys crisps and munch your way to a free radical exclusion zone.

So what's the craic? Say I've got an endless supply of tomatoes, carrots (woof rather high GI but let's keep 'em in), lentils, onions, leeks, lean engineered mycoprotein meat substitute free of mechanised horse product, garlic and seasoning. I bang it together and gently heat it to keep the goodness in. I have it with rice or lentils or maybe granary bread.

What is happening now? Less % of getting various cancers, better sex, more energy, better complexion, better results in the gym, better persono-physcho-socialistic phenomena? Is that's what's happening?

What happens with the Feaster's burger? or the Maccy Dee's mayo salty shite?

Erectile dysfunction? Pimples? Heart attacks? Strokes? Cholesterol? Man boob/prostate/testicular/throat/stomach cancer? Belly fat. Visceral sludge? Lethargy? Fuzzy thinking? Poor hygeine? Boffy farts?


"What's going on?"

<<Walkie Talkie noise>>

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" (much louder)

Dooo dee dooo dooo dooo dee dooo dooo

<<More bibble babble and white noise>>


Sash - Ecuador
