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Manipulative Scumbags

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:16 pm
by Ruler of The World
Anyone know people like this? Inside or outside 'the game'...

Fairweather friends or just pure evil for whatever reason - perhaps jealousy, just being born a cunt!

They pretend to be your best mate but when it comes to proving it you know you wouldn't get further than the spit from their mouth from which they bullshit away and list things only they would class as favours...

A certain 'player' I know is just like this, for well over a year his mission in life was to stitch 2 others up who he had wound up for ages and made many unkept promises to. Suddenly, when he's on his arse and he knows they're doing well, with a bit of sweetening up they're all best mates again and its all forgotten. I know exactly what will end up happening again but I just can't be arsed with it all, let the foolish ones who believe his shit keep believing it.

You don't have to name the people, just outline why you feel they are like this and maybe give examples of what they do/did.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:48 am
by ma71lda
Occurances like this are the reasons I lead a very simple, uncomplicated lifestyle and why I have only a few select friends but plenty of acquaintences. Even when I played machines I was a one man band. Less hassle, keeps things simple and lets be honest, everyone has trust issues regarding monies from time to time.

I trust no-one 100%. Never have, never will. But I will give people a fair crack of the whip because I judge a person on what he has done to me personally, not others. As soon as he fucks me over and/or takes a liberty I don't bother with them again, maybe just a nod in passing. Treat others how you like to be treated yourself.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:32 am
by Ruler of The World
I have to say I agree with every bloody word!!! Not often I say that. 1 chance with me though and then that's it - if I find out I've been screwed over somehow I won't ever trust again or even give benefit of the doubt.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:15 pm
There will always be a lack of trust when it comes to financial matters. There is only 1 player who I trust enough to go out playing with, that's not to say I don't trust my other mates but, how will I ever know if a reported £40 raise was actually a £70 raise or that a £50 hit wasn't a £20(or even a hit at all). The only thing I do believe is that it's karma, stitch your mates up and it will bite you on the arse eventually and nobody will help you out (or in this game nothing will be shared with you).

Similarly, NEVER trust a non-player not to go behind your back. I used to out drinking with a mate you liked a punt but wasn't a player. More-fool me for letting him see me play BJ,CJ, Quids etc (not great earners but hardly rocket science). After that I used to meet him in pubs and he was always there before me, he always denied he played them but when normally-juiced units start being dead it does make you suspicious.

Sad really that trust between friends can be tested by the promise of a few quid but also sad that 'mates' are happy to go behind your back. Like I say, luckily I do have a mate I can trust as going out playing on your own can be terribly boring when not combined with beer and banter!

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:27 pm
by maverick69
Trust is earned not given.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:16 pm
by Captain.Tattybojangles
Had no real issues myself but I know my mate has - It's all very low level going halfs a fiver in each etc but it's the principle of the matter that he never adds the cash up fairly and worms his way out or into a financial benefit.
Playing the machines before mate turns up
Agreeing to go halves then pocketing the lot when mate is at the bar

Hopefully now my mate has got the message I kept reiterating "Don't gamble with him, you'll only lose and it won't be due to bad luck on the machines."

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:24 am
by feeder22
The world is full of snake faced cunts, just a pity that this game is saturated with them..... Most people would gladly fuck another over, for the sake of a few quid.......

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:20 pm
by amazing
i no the worst there is his initals are g . t from lincon way oh my god lol if u no who i mean then u will agree

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:28 pm
by maverick69
amazing wrote:i no the worst there is his initals are g . t from lincon way oh my god lol if u no who i mean then u will agree

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:55 pm
by bubbles
what is it about this game that seems to breed this problem? so much back-stabbing, 2 faced people seem so common. shame it has to be this way, it is what i dislike most about playing...

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:58 pm
by amazing
bubbles wrote:what is it about this game that seems to breed this problem? so much back-stabbing, 2 faced people seem so common. shame it has to be this way, it is what i dislike most about playing...

that's your answer my freind

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:09 pm
by bubbles
even these retards that break buttons on units they can't or don't play. tempted to employ some one to break fingers!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:24 pm
by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd!
Loads of scummy bastards around, and not just in this game.

I was talking to another player today about someone on here that I've done a few days with.
He was being slagged off to the fullest yet they've never met him. Just bitterness IMO.

Then you have the usual lot asking where you've been etc.Telling you what they've done and where they've been.
I never believe them as it's usually bullshit.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:46 pm
by Scott
Don't you just love it when you bump into someone and they say yeah, i've done so and so, then your walking back to the car and you happen to glance through the window and see them on it, to be honest no one owes you any favours, but if you talk bullshit the chances are you'll be caught out.

You need a good memory to be a good liar!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:18 pm
by oldskool
to a certain extent i can understand people saying they have just done so and so area etc, but button breakers really used to get my blood boiling as it was usually done to machines they knew were getting done, but didn't know how to do.