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Life without fruits

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:06 am
by johncluedo
What would you be doing with your life if you didn't know how to play machines??

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:09 am
by betchrider
Just the same but have more spare time on my hands. Working on a furnace four days on four days off

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:08 am
by deano8177
Fuck knows what I'd be doing right now if there wasn't fruit machines. It might of been for the better or it might of been for the worse, who knows. I just take everyday as it comes and take what's in front of me.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:11 am
by deano8177
I also wonder what/where would I be now if I didn't get the sack from my last job, that was 7-8 years ago. For all I know I could of found the right woman had kids settled down or could of been hit by a bus crossing a road. Who knows ?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:49 am
by Oscar
Some of the people I used to meet would most certainly be in prison if they weren't players. There are some truly nefarious characters in the playing world, and many former toolers have turned to playing because they have so little going for them they can't get even a McJob. Plus the money is better. The appearance of some of the new generation of players leaves alot to be desired, it is possible to dress cheaply without looking like you partake in the use of needle drugs. But it is the attitude of some 'players' that I find most disturbing, the ones that aren't discreet and start getting heavy handed with the buttons when a machine plays up, like they have a divine right to profit. They also conduct themselves poorly, and make an embarrassment of themselves. These sort of people have little to cheer about in life, and are fucked when the money dries up.

Personally speaking I ultimately regret getting into playing machines, however lucrative it has been over the years, I could have channelled all my energy into something more rewarding. That said I have no complaints as it was a lifestyle choice I made, and could still have achieved so much in other aspects of life had I made the effort.

If fruit machines ceased to exist tomorrow, to me it would matter not.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:33 pm
by mr lugsy
good post,you sound like someone else who used to post here.

i'd probably have joined the royal engineers.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:22 pm
by BFK
Probably be in some shitty 9-5 on minimums.

I've no career drive at all, which is why I stand in front of wooden cabinets most of the day.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:10 pm
by feeder22
sell crack to school children

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:14 pm
by ming
i think most members on here with intelligence would have done better without fruits as if they put that effort into another career they would have more self respect and a better social/love life/future etc but we wouldnt know this without doing the fruits for years first. i know people who are jealous of what we do but i would prefer to have a decent 9-5 job,mortgage and have never gambled personally.
if gambling was outlawed tomorrow i would be relieved and happily move on in life...... but the grass in always greener on the other side so i will stick to making good money till it dries up and i cant wait till it does.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:39 pm
by Roll_With_It_Russ
Thing is though a shitty NMW job is only that if you have no kids, throw in a couple of kids and a partner that stay at home and looks after them then the household income(based on allowing for housing benefit and tax dedutions) is about treble what a single person earning the NMW would have as income.

Wages will can't increase for unskilled low level work in this country, they can only go up with the NMW(which gradually catches up woth all those earning slightly more) as any increase just means less benefit entitlement so the income remains the same, meaning no incentive for employers to pay more.

Secondly should there be wage inflation all that would happen now it that there would be mass immigration from other EU countries to absorb the increases and create downward pressure.

It really only make sense to work hard if you with can have a lifestyle job, which is possible if you own or have free shelter, other than that you have to have a job that is about the benefit entitlement threshold, which is a household income of 50 somthing thousand, that level the wages generally increase year on year and far in excess where there are skill shortages and demand.

Other than that I don't blame anyone who chooses to do anything other than buying into the system so that can afford to live a better life.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:29 am
by CraigDag
In the circus. Except I am not kidding.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:53 am
by redlinesman
This topic always makes for a good debate John and there are many angles to it.

Some good points Oscar as your mentality is similar to what many probably experience after spending significant time in the game. Some of it is a kind of grass being greener on the other side attitude but in the same token there is much truth and substance to it.

Kind Regards, Sir Linesman

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:09 am
by johncluedo
Personally I see machines as a stepping stone to where I wanna be, and I by no means want to be playing fruits for the rest of my life!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:22 am
by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd!
I'm sure many of us wonder what we'd be doing had we not chosen this. Fruits are in the blood of a lot of us, so much so, that if we had to choose a more accepted line of work, we'd probably have been a Green Grocer.

For me, my path was set like many of the Old-Schoolers in the game. Pocket money in the arcades, started off losing it everytime, then over a period of a few months, learning how to make use of them and seeing us go home with a few extra quid. Sharking the unsuspecting punters, waiting for a foreign student to stick a tenner in the change machine before switching it off from the back and then turning it back on when they went to find the attendant and pilfering their note. In later years, banging the Labyrinth against the wall then hurrying away so no-one saw you, then returning with a pocket of 20p pieces to empty it as the mech would be out of line and would accept the 20 pences but drop them back out of the reject shute.*

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:06 am
by BFK
Didnt know that Labyrinth one!!

Use to love those electrocoin games tho.

Pyramid, Sphinx and the rare spaceship style one. Also the ones with the cashpot full of big 10ps on the top glass, stairway to heaven and the other clone? Good times.