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Am I Being Robbed?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:01 am
by Tecky
Basically I go to the same place every night for around 3 hours to play on the machines. I'm also there for several hours at the weekend.

I play the 10p machines £5 JP and 30p machines £25 JP roughly the same amount.

I've been going there for about 12 months now and knew exactly how all the 10p £5 JP machines worked which wasnt too hard to figure out as there's only about 10 of them.

It used to be the machines played very well at worse case senerio it was £3 in £1 out (if you took the £1) but mostly it was £3 in £2-£5 out. Or if they had been hammered you could put £9/£10 in and walk away with the £5 JP.

But in the past fortnight...

They have been a disgrace.

They now go £5 in without anything in return maybe £1 if your very lucky. They dont give many boards or wins like they used to. However, on all 10 of the 10p £5 JP machine's they all now take £15-£20 without offering anything, even when backing. I put £15/£20 in them and they were playing dead but after around £20 in they would give £5 JP before going dead again. Then they will now take £8/£10 before offering £2/£3.

As said i've been going there for a year now and I aint imagining this, they all are ripping off badly now and £20 in for a £5 JP seems a disgrace to me.

The 30p £25 JP machines seem the same although I havent played on them much in the past 2 weeks so maybe they were just dead.

But the 10p ones are ripping off.

Also not all the 10p £5 JP machines display the percentage payout, is this illegal?

And whats your thoughts / opinion on how the machines are playing? can I complain?


:c: :s: :d: :h:

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:30 am
by Matty
Only thing thats getting robbed is my time reading this!

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:51 am
by Guest
Matty wrote:Only thing thats getting robbed is my time reading this!
Yeah agreed. £5's are not worth the bother apart from the odd few which streak nicely.

Perhaps a smalltime player has decided to take over :)

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:55 am
by Matty
£5 ij3 is good had it IM 10 times LOL :D

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:17 am
by Guest
Matty wrote:£5 ij3 is good had it IM 10 times LOL :D
Exactly what i was talking about :D

I hit mine regularly and never touch it in between times, if i was to save the number of streaks ive had id have a small fortune, i have now got it down to an art :) 9/10 it streaks first time :lol:

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:08 am
by Tecky
I'll ignore these useless replies, no-one made you read it.

Can anyone else help me with any info/help/advice?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:07 am
by Fruiter
In my experience there are 2 kinds of £5 machine, the ones you find at seaside resorts and suprebowl type places, these seem to be the worse and never pay more than one JP at a time.

But on the other hand my local arcades have some great £5 machines, they always take £35-40 without going over a quid but then they will run for £30 and are very predictable too!

The only kind of £5 machine i play nowadays is the likes of Golden Game, partytime, Monopoly, and a few of the classics.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:51 am
by toothless11
Its quite simple. In arcades they lower the percentage payout on the £5 fruits! It usually is £ 8 in for the JP which is £5. It then takes another £4 for a board just to see if its streaking. Sadly, the M/c isn't and it kills you on £1.20.

Try and not play these arcade £5ers in my opinion. Ones in bowling alleys tend to be genuine.

Its the same principle as 'why pubs are having more and more BFGs?' They are a gold mine for the pub/owners, it normally takes between £4-£8 for a board which kills you on £2! :x

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:10 am
by anfield road
See mate the onl time to play on the £5 is when you have a very small float say £5 - £20.

Then you can play on all your Frezys, Big Brothers etc to get upto like £50 then go for the IJ3 and PYP and Mummy Talks if sucsesful then move onto the £25 and stay there until float starts vanashing :wink: