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Post by BFK »

John Barnes.

Lucozade Sport Isotonic, it gets to your thirst....... Fast!!
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Post by Thumper »

Isotonic means it's in balance with your body system
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Post by lukee1 »

JG wrote:The best thing to do if anyone threatens you is just to back down immediately and never go back. You don't want to risk a black eye over something as trivial as a fruit machine.

I got threatened out of Coventry, so I backed off into Birmingham before getting threatened over to Leicester were I was threatened out of there back to Coventry where I was threatened back to.....I'm sorry that was jibberish, I will try to be more elucidating next time.

See ya next time....
brilliant.... anyway it is ok now as i have my man in a black suit next to me hmm xD
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Post by lukee1 »

Noels Beard wrote:That we should all just 'man-up' a little and be brawling in the Wetherspoons on a Saturday morning?
haha Saturday morning i like :L
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Post by betchrider »

I wouldn't even talk to em unless it was to say no reply. I certainly wouldn't tell em about empties etc. they are horrible cunts 99.99999% of em. Sorryy lee can't agree with even talking to em and IMO your wrong to also.
The Duke of betchington Betchrider
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Post by trayhop123 »

if you've nothing to hide ,,,,,,,,,,, then there's no harm ,,,,,,,,,,,,, its a win win situation betch

if police awareness of our profession was more widespread ,,,,,,,, then there would subsequently be more leniency and understanding ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

the road to all reason is education .

ps , unless their gonna go out in their time off and do your scores :)
Little discipline = BIG issue

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Post by Real Pro gamer »

What's he done?
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Post by redlinesman »

Here's Mr Linesman's views for what they are worth.

I think the comments regarding that fruit playing is potentially attractive to criminals and that the two sort of go hand in hand are completely wide of the mark. Criminals generally want quick and easy money and the methods they use to obtain this normally require minimal work and skills. Burglaries, vehicle theft, armed robberies, drug dealing, muggings and taxing are some of the more common types of criminality that take place on a daily basis. A common trait they all have, which also goes for virtually any other criminal act that is done for financial gain, is that execution takes a small amount of time compared to the potential financial gain. Obviously with more advanced criminals there may be significant planning before the actual crime but I don't think we are talking about that here. Fruit Playing for profit requires hard work for most and to achieve a decent living you need discipline and the right mental attitude. Early mornings are often key and having a structue in life is important, you need to be prepared to work long hours and I would see most criminals who tried to gain entry into the fruit playing world failing miserably.

Threatening behaviour and intimidation is one of the oldest tricks in the book used when an individual wants their own way or is trying to get a person to do as the instigator desires. In our profession it is nearly always those of a very low level or even gamblers who aren't even classed as 'players' that use bullying tactics to attempt to gain a more solid or advanced foothold in the tier system.Their actions are normally triggered by thoughts that they would make significantly greater profits if they didn't have to compete and they should create a territory that is exclusive to them. They are normally limited thinkers and their lack of intelligence makes their animal instinct more apparent and they become hugely terratorial and in most cases tribal - in the form of a gang with a leader who calls the shots. This type of situation normally evolves because it is simply human nature taking course, these people may not be very nice but the way they go about their business is basically a product of their thinking caused by a person's background, intelligence, desperation, up bringing etc. To be honest there isn't much to be said about them, they are a nuisance to every decent and respectful player but it is probably something we might always have to deal with from time to time.

My advice in dealing with these types of people is as follows. In most cases the threats will be just that, if you take no notice your probably going to be fine or at the worst participate in a little scuffle. Obviously if your in an isolated area caution should be taken but situations in mainstream pubs should provide a platform to make your stance clear. Personally, I have a zero tolerance approach to such behaviour, I don't listen to what is said and if it gets a bit naughty then I'm comfortable with that, even more so when the Chief is present, and we'll gladly deal with multiples as documented in some of my posts. I must make it clear that we do everything possible to avoid any attention or add fuel to a situation, but will act accordingly to defend ourselves. Many people will not fancy getting into a situation though, so if this is the case I would advise getting away from a confrontation, but at the same time try and maintain some confidence and assurance. If the threats have got inside your head maybe try and visit that particular location when there is little chance of seeing the instigators or take someone you know who has confidence in these types of situation. Also if you wanted to meet fire with fire you could pay someone to sort out the situation but some judgement would be required.

Finally the Glendale situation is something I have taken an interest in previously because of my belief in what is right and I do like Newcastle as a city and do visit there sometimes as it has a tremendous nightlife and a good layout for fruit playing. I was in the area 2 weeks ago as I had some busineess in Scotland and it does seem to be a city that has changed in terms of fruit interest and there is a tendancy for lots of eyes to be on a machine. Saying that, we spent part of the weekend in the city centre and didn't recieve any threats or indeed see any other players which is often a hallmark of an area where intimidation has taken place. We made £2300 after expenses over the Fri/Sat and even the everyday stuff that I wouldn't normally play was right on tune. Often in an area when there has been threats, most of the time the fruits don't actually don't get played as the regulars cut back or stop and those who are issuing the threats don't really have any sort of stake in the greater scheme of things anyway, so the area goes untouched which was most definitely the case here.

I don't think Glendale is a bad person and I must stress I don't know him but I think he has probably made mistakes with regards to his actions in 'clueing' players and non-players up. Hopefully he may of learned some lessons and I must say he always seems polite and some things he says I do relate to. The Chief and I stopped off at a place called Berwick on the way to Scotland and we did bump into a Scottish player who gave us some details of the goings on in Newcastle. He was a nice chap and we presented ourselves as run of the mill players earning an honest crust. He told us some of the names involved in the playing scene around the area and some of them were familar from when I first started playing many years ago. He said some players were not allowed in the centre of Newcastle and any regular visitors would likely to be threatened. He did mention what I presume is Glendales younger associate who has in turn many other associates and he did say they were harmless but stupid. He said they were in the business of 'advertisement' rather than security and their effect on pub premesis-player releationship was possibly the most detrimental he had ever seen, basically to be kind their conduct and demeanour was extremely 'novicey' He said they have provided the gang who threaten around Newcastle with information although he's not sure to what extent but he said the youngsters have previously glamourised and 'bought into' some of the gangs ethos and activity. To begin with their common goal was to get rid of some of the more established players in the area and have it for themselves but there has been disputes in the process and he's not entirely sure of the status of their releationship. I'm back in the area again soon for a football fixture so will let the board know if I find out anything more. I would say give Glendale a chance to put it right and I'm sure he may have had words. There'll probably be one or two replys from people who play in the area and my advice to you is accept you may have made mistakes, show responsibility and move on.

Right I'm off out for my grand, Kind Regards, Sir Linesman
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Post by skinner »

I gave up reading that after the 1st paragraph,hope i didnt miss much!
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Post by Glendale »

Seems he made £2300, didnt get attacked and thats my fault as well! Blimey! I cant win! Your more mad than beardy boy!
I am Glendale, much better than you!
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

Glendale doesn't see the problem because it's miles away from him. He visits every now & again, and he'll be welcomed as a fruit machine god, which is presumably part of his motivation. Losing the individual machines to competition isn't really the concern here, I could take some time off I there was nothing to play. But as I've repeatedly pointed out, bringing new people on to the scene does something much more dangerous, and perhaps I should direct my attacks more broadly.

Someone previously pointed out that if people are interested in finding out how to win, or win repeatedly, then that would be easy to do as they need only search the web and find multiple thoughtless videos, or pointless threads which glam up the lifestyle of the pro player. And this is the even bigger problem. Because now I'm under constant suspicion, or interest, wherever I play. Linesman mentions this above, people are actually interested in the fruits as a potential lifestyle; and the move from addict to professional is so much easier now.

Glendale is, of course, still a fool for educating the masses. And I'm sure that will come back to bite him in the arse. But now I must risk the ultimate retribution and allegations of hypocrisy; and say that it really is this board, and all those silly YouTube videos that's mostly to blame.
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Post by 7-10-2-7-LOSE »

Hi Will.
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Post by Glendale »

I take back red, your not as bad as beardy! Hes king of idiots!
I am Glendale, much better than you!
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

Why don't you actually address my points? Rather than name calling?
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Post by Glendale »

Your "points" are the same every time! Do you ever play machines? Your on here 24/7! You dont like me; BIG DEAL! Your opinion means nothing to me as you mean nothing to me! Go and cry in a pub and lose some money!
I am Glendale, much better than you!