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Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:05 pm
by Ruler of The World
I wish these 'hard' lads would come down to London.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:22 pm
by sir ratholer
Most players who do stuff like this prey on the weak and are all mouth no trousers.

I could think of a few southern based players that it would be hilarious if they took this approach on.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:41 pm
by betchrider
Sound like dumplings tbh. “Where did you get flicker from". Like its some unknown game lol

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:29 pm
by eastangliapro
think i know who they are clowns

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:56 pm
by Ruler of The World
I think sending some of the Southern lads up to Birmingham would be a great idea. At the very least there'd be less players sniffing around.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:52 am
by logopolis
sir ratholer wrote:Scott, you know I've said this to you before but if you don't like east Anglia, move! It's not like you have many ties...

As far as playing somewhere else goes, you worry too much! I couldn't give a fuck whose toes I tread on (apart from close playing mates, which I don't have many), everywhere else is fair game.
Its not that I dislike East Anglia, its just that it isn't the best place to be when playing machines. Never at all envied those people who travelled out to other areas. It was actually probably better to stay put and keep an eye whats going on locally. Possibly now it could be a bit better overall to travel outside of the area. The main thing was that I was just too plain lazy to go around travelling. Just couldn't ever be bothered!

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:05 pm
by richy657
being told to leave a city.......theres a bloke from pompey who told my friend to do that the other day, every area is fair game in my eyes.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:31 pm
by Captain.Tattybojangles
Didnt there used to be an unsavoury character on the IOW?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:15 pm
by sir ratholer
richy657 wrote:being told to leave a city.......theres a bloke from pompey who told my friend to do that the other day, every area is fair game in my eyes.
Did he actually do it?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:17 pm
by sir ratholer
Captain.Tattybojangles wrote:Didnt there used to be an unsavoury character on the IOW?
I heard that. I know pinstripe Dave never had any issues when he lived there.

I went there a few months back for a couple of days. Bit of a mixed bag on the playing front but didn't bump into anyone there.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:40 pm
by Noels Beard
trayhop123 wrote:admire the honesty jack ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , i haven't got time for players that reckon they make 400 everyday without fail ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i myself made 186 yesterday and was out from 7am to 1am for it ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i consider that a great day ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

but jack , the regular amounts im making , i put down to travelling , and discipline

i think the territorial thing is getting worse though

some of you on here will know bik ,,,,,,,,,,, but for those that dont ,,,,,,,,, he's about 4ft10 and weighs 6stone lol ,,,,,,,,,, but he's got a heart of gold

he was in brum town centre the other day ,,,,,,,,,,, when two lads approachd him ( bik described them to me ,,,,,, as one thin asian calling himself ratty lol , the other black but italian looking black ?? with sunglasses on his head )

anyhow they demanded he fucked off out of brum ,,,,,,,,, and wanted to know how he knew flicker ( he was on a bootiy) ,,,,,,,,,,, when he said he was from leicester , ,,,,,,,, they said any leicester lads coming to brum again will be dealt with ,,,,,,,, bik asked if they were under sparrow

the asian lad said , ''fuck sparrow , im ten times worse than that cunt ''

hmmm ,,,,,,,, make of that what you will

i dont know em attall from that description , and haven't been to brum myself in two years ,,,,,,,, but apparently they knew me

Yes apparently they know me too!

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:48 pm
by pound
thecannonball89 wrote:I have got a few grand saved for when the twins are born, Still putting bits of money away each week for them, got every thing ready for them cots pram the lot. Just done my float in but the last thing i will do is break into there money :)
Have you fuck got a few k saved lol
If anyone with half a brain knows ur skint as you been posting bits & bobs for last year or so.
You are a breadline addict jack
sorry truth hurts but ur get over it.
God help ur kids tho geting raised on dole money.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:13 pm
by feeder22
There's a difference between breadline (borderline) addict and lack of discipline.
Might of had a little back and forth with him backalong but I admire the honesty. Takes a lot to post about being skint on a forum full of self made millionaires.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:17 pm
by maverick69
feeder22 wrote:There's a difference between breadline (borderline) addict and lack of discipline.
Might of had a little back and forth with him backalong but I admire the honesty. Takes a lot to post about being skint on a forum full of self made millionaires.
indeed, indeed

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:19 pm
by maverick69 ... playnext=7

The day i met buddylove4000. Was funny to see how lucky this guy really really is amazing. Just his presence spawns luck