
General fruit machine related chat, if it doesn't fit another category discuss it here..
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Post by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd! »

As I posted a couple of weeks ago, my mate was nicked when he hadn't even got outta his car!

Didn't even play a fruit within 100 miles of the place!

No refill key, just money £3,100 from his routes.

Usual house raid, phone sent for analysis, bank card withheld, 9 hours in Lewisham cells and 4 flea bites from the dirty, rotten, filthy rats that had been in there before him!

Gotta wait til end of Sept to see what they're gonna try and stitch him up with.

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Post by redlinesman »

Tip for the future, go solo. Going about in 2's and 3's always brings heat from landlords and then inevitably, the police. Also players who use refill keys can have no complaint, your not suposed to do it, regardless if they are illegal or not.
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Post by Mattb »

I agree, there's a good deal more innocence when you are solo. In 2/3 it just looks like you're on the job and just hammering the machines. On yoour own - not so bad. Maybe why i've never been made unwelcome in all the pubs i go to here. Just simple things really, like not walking in jangling all over the place, pockets bluging etc.
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Post by greenbelter »

JG wrote:Is there any way of living in a police proof house? One with super resiliant doors? Anti-smash i-glass (TM). Lugtite-brick mesh anti-exploso dyno bricks? Hypo-kevlicopolysachharidic-hemihydrate teselated tile proofed roofs?

You just can't fucking get in, know what I mean? You can't fucking get in. Forget your key and that's it. NO ONE OR NUFFINK, NOT EVEN THE BFK can get in. Even a top notch nuclear weapon will not shift it. The whole of the army and the SAS just ain't getting in, ok?

That's what you need.

Make sure you block up the chimney though, otherwise they might slither down and arrest you.

Not taking the piss or anything, but you got to laugh when that kind of malarky happens. Unless you have been tooling in which case....<rap> <rap> naughty naughty,
They'd use a refil key to let themselves into the front door
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Post by Dunhamzzz »

if anything people feel sorry for you if you're on your own/
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Post by trayhop123 »

if you must carry a refill key, do what i do, leave it hidden in the car ,

most machines have easy tells that negate the need to use one anyhow ,

however if faced with the situation, where you have to use it, just pretend to use your phone in the carpark and go out and get it, its not rocket science ,

it only take 2mins to go fetch, and those of you that smoke have a ready made excuse to go outside
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Post by milk monitor »

Am I the only person that thinks this thread is a perfect advertisement candidate for UK's dumbest criminals.

What you do is up to you, I don't have a personal problem with it, although wouldn't do it myself.

However a few months you revealed to the board that you were arrested for fraud.

Since then you have made regular references to the fact that you use illegal methods to empty fruit machines. Upon reading the board anybody can see your name, your town of residence, reference to criminal activity and the amounts obtained. Are you sure you don't enter these establishments with a stripy jumper and a bag marked "swag"?

Then the latest post, puzzled as to why you have been arrested ...........again.

Your obviousness on here probably translates to you physical demeanour and behaviour while playing, so it's no wonder this keeps happening.
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Post by ma71lda »

I think trying a machine then going back to your car then going back on the machine would be very suspicious looking if anyone saw you do it. Why not have it a keyring with you house keys? If they're not illegal then whats the problem in carrying them on you.

You've smashed a few mirrors in your time, haven't you Anfield? :lol:

What we don't know is where you live. We know you live at home, but do you live in a private residential area or a Council estate? I'm not prejudice to either as I have lived on both, but you drive a newish Zetec, you have loadsa notes and coins on you, along with refill key(s) and whatever other tooling equipment you have, no doubt you wear good clothes with a bit of bling and if you come out with some of the arrogance and cockiness in real life like you do on here you probably swagger about town giving it the 'big I am'.

Yet I/we don't know this, but you get lifted far too often to be a legit player, or maybe you are one seriously unlucky lad.

Anyone gonna run a book on Anfield going to one of her Majesty's summer camps in the near future? :lol:

Post by Mystery_Plum »

I remember the first time I got nicked. It was in Leigh Delamare Services on the M4 a good 10 years ago. I’d gone in there for a Cash Attack and a Big 50. Anyway, I had been in there for nearly an hour and had just had a Sands of Time out of the Snakes and Ladders. As I stood there enjoying the jackpot music, little did I realise that 6 SAS snipers were strategically positioned around the Game Zone with their sights trained on the back of my neck.

Suddenly…WHOOOOSH…they all appeared at once. One was hiding in a bin, one in the roof, and one in the massive payout tray of a nearby JPM Electra cabinet Cash Buster. Fuck knows where the other 3 came from, but they were on me in seconds. A guy stood nearby playing an £8 token jackpot Trivial Pursuit shat himself and legged it, his feet touching the floor twice over a distance of 50 metres. ‘If I can chat myself out of this situation, I’ll have those credits later,’ I thought to myself.

I looked at the bloke nearest to me.
‘Where the fuck did you come from?’ I asked, startled.
‘Well, I’m originally from Manchester, but I now live in Swindon,’ came the reply.

Another voice shouted at me to get my hands in the air. I wasn’t hanging about; up they went in an instant. Well, one of them did. The other was in my pocket, counting coins. I wanted to know exactly how much money I was going to have taken off me, so I could regale my friends with the story later, with as many facts as possible. 78, 79…80. ‘That’s a nice round easy-to-remember number,’ I thought to myself. I then raised that other arm into the air where the other one already was.

There then followed a few tense moments of silence, with me wondering what was going to happen next. It was so quiet that I could have heard a pin drop, had there not been a Ridge Racer on full blast 10 feet away, and a Winding Heat in another corner, next to a Point Blank and a Time Crisis. Would they simply shoot me dead on the spot for the heinous crime of nailing a couple of Nudge Steppa’s on Big 50, or nudging the Cash Attack out? Maybe it was the Nemesis that went all the way for £28.80 that made them decide that they had to put a stop to the situation now, before it got out of hand.

Suddenly the Chief walked in with a coffee in one hand and an icing-sugar donut in the other. He grinned at me and flashed his badge.
‘Seal this Game Zone off, get forensics in and start dusting for prints…’

I was frog-marched out of the Game Zone and out into the car park, where 3 tanks were positioned, taking up all of the disabled parking spaces. There were armoured riot vans parked on the grass verges, snarling dogs being held back on leads, even the horse-mounted division had turned up. The whole force was out show to make sure I went quietly. As I got into the police car I could hear the faint hum of 3 or 4 helicopters up above. They were taking no chances.

To cut a long story short because I don’t like to go on and on about my indiscretions and how much money I earn/steal, they confiscated £8000 in coins that I had about my person, plus another £40,000 in used notes. They searched my house, my city apartment, and holiday villa in Spain, and impounded my 6 cars, before releasing me without charge.
Still never mind eh? The Cabin Fever in my local Spoons should have 2 in it tomorrow morning…

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Post by trayhop123 »

coincidental or what plum m8, exactly the same thing happend to me when i got the jacpot held twice on a 2p fruit cracker ,,,,,, lol

seriously m8 top read/laugh :P
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Post by gambogaz1 »

Thats a fucking pisser Mr Plumb. :lol: :lol: More believable than some of the other police stories on here :wink:
betchrider wrote:You go upto a bird and grab her quim and say "im gonna knock the fuck outta this" and see what happens
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Post by RUDE »

My hat is dipped in your general direction Mr Plumb, bravo!
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Post by darcle »

That must have taken you ages to write!!! Funny though.
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Post by pokerpete »

RUDE wrote:My hat is dipped in your general direction Mr Plumb, bravo!
you tip a hat mate, not dip it. :)
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Post by keno »

[quote="Mystery_Plum"]I remember the first time I got nicked. It was in Leigh Delamare Services on the M4 a good 10 years ago. I’d gone in there for a Cash Attack and a Big 50. Anyway, I had been in there for nearly an hour and had just had a Sands of Time out of the Snakes and Ladders. As I stood there enjoying the jackpot music, little did I realise that 6 SAS snipers were strategically positioned around the Game Zone with their sights trained on the back of my neck.

Suddenly…WHOOOOSH…they all appeared at once. One was hiding in a bin, one in the roof, and one in the massive payout tray of a nearby JPM Electra cabinet Cash Buster. Fuck knows where the other 3 came from, but they were on me in seconds. A guy stood nearby playing an £8 token jackpot Trivial Pursuit shat himself and legged it, his feet touching the floor twice over a distance of 50 metres. ‘If I can chat myself out of this situation, I’ll have those credits later,’ I thought to myself.

I looked at the bloke nearest to me.
‘Where the fuck did you come from?’ I asked, startled.
‘Well, I’m originally from Manchester, but I now live in Swindon,’ came the reply.

Another voice shouted at me to get my hands in the air. I wasn’t hanging about]

haha vivid imagination :lol: