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Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:13 am
by Ruler of The World
Pharmaceutical companies are at it too as they are also controlled by the elite. I'm damned sure they can cure at least some types of cancer by now, HIV and many diseases people are allowed to die from. They also deliberately make some drugs so expensive that no one can afford them and die as a result. Mysterious out of the blue murders of top doctors/researchers are other things you won't hear about on the mainstream lie sheets.

Glad to see at least some people are awake to the fact that we are being lied to. Is it seriously so surprising to you all that a government funded broadcaster is telling us what the government wants them to tell us?

Oh, and will someone please explain to me how the BBC reported 'live' from New York claiming tower 7 had gone completely whilst it was still standing in the 'live' background? And while you're at it, what happened to the massive news story from September 10th 2001 "$2.3trillion missing from the pentagon" funds as it was never mentioned again...

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:15 am
by Stubble
So what you're saying is... Yes we are lucky to live in the West, in a prosperous country with more freedom than at any other time in the modern world: But we're not as lucky as the members of 8 families who have all the money? What exactly do you feel you're missing out on?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:16 am
by Ruler of The World
Oh the EU vote! This is hilarious! We all know we would vote out but the polls show it the way the media liars want it to be shown. I guarantee you all now that even if 99% voted out we would be told lies and stay in. There is no way the UK will be allowed to leave the EU under ANY circumstances.

That's democracy for you!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:23 am
by Ruler of The World
Seeing you and Joe in your pathetic disguise beards is the main thing I've missed out on. Please post a photo!

Everyone is missing out because we are being sold lies and being forced to live under false pretences. Just because WE aren't the ones being bombed (yet), it doesn't mean it's fine for us to kill millions of people who aren't and never have been a threat to us. The people being killed are a threat only to the elite agenda. It's all about making money! Wake up, Will! I thought you may be one of the few who actually knew all this stuff but I guess you feel you're one of the elite in the fruit machine world so you'll side with the other elite mob!

I feel sorry for people being sent out from this country to these false wars. If they don't come back missing limbs or in body bags, they're suffering from PTSD and end up killing themselves!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:38 am
by Stubble
You don't need to be a conspiracy theorist to understand the world isn't a very fair place. You don't need to feel sorry for people who are happy in their bubble. Joe and I never had beards; it was all smoke and mirrors; an idea put in your mind by the illuminati. Thought you would've realised that.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:44 am
by doingthem
Buy an alarm clock like fenso so you can find 468 pots in Sheffield centre.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:58 am
by fatbloke
doing postage stamps!! no need. nothing to say about these videos etc

"flat battery"

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:58 am
by fatbloke
im from the true rula.
rezpuitin specta kru!!
boooma shooot kapwacky pooo

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:12 am
by Ruler of The World
I must have imagined Joe's huge beard when I last saw you both then and so must the person who said you were sporting a matching one when he bumped into you.

I guess your current and previous names on forum are purely coincidental too.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:00 pm
by paragoon
good grief

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:04 pm
by bubbles
Ruler of The World wrote:I must have imagined Joe's huge beard when I last saw you both then and so must the person who said you were sporting a matching one when he bumped into you.

I guess your current and previous names on forum are purely coincidental too.
lolollol that is the best post you've ever made Ruler! brilliant. i did think you had lost the plot before that!!! ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:41 pm
by logopolis
The chem trails are there to hide the presence of certain objects in the sky and in space that are not meant to be seen! Incoming planetoid objects and a second brown dwarf star need to remain hidden from the public.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 9:03 am
by JG
Women are a Goverment invention designed to stop all the blokes realising that the illuminati are beaming down a giant leech from the planet Zorg. Once all the blood has gone, they will have our souls.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:57 pm
by bubbles
who takes the blood, the leach or the women?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 8:50 am
by Ruler of The World
JG wrote:Women are a Goverment invention designed to stop all the blokes realising that the illuminati are beaming down a giant leech from the planet Zorg. Once all the blood has gone, they will have our souls.
Your attempts to ridicule the truth are disappointing, JG; I hadn't really expected you to be one of the brainwashed sheep/sheeple.

I must admit that the media does make the public think they aren't being lied to and perhaps even makes them feel clever for accepting the views they force upon us through their constant bombardment.

The only reason women got given rights and were assisted in their protests for them in the west was to make them become tax payers too. It really isn't so complicated when you think about it...