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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:10 pm
by BFK
Yes stop and search is ok. That's why I asked titch if they gave him a reason for arrest. You can't put somebody in a cell just because they are holding a bit of cash.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:27 pm
by titchno1
It wasn't all coins. There was only around 300 coins. I don't usually have that much money a mate paid me money for holidays etc. They pulled me snatched my car keys, told me to hop out searched my car because I was suspicious in a diffrent area. They then found 300 coins in a bag and arrested us for suspition of theft. I got out an hour later to my car being outside the police station. They must of went back done another search then drove it 8 miles to police station. Is that even legal? They had no concent. It was parked legally right outside my mates house who I was with.

I understand its part of the job. I was being sound explaining iv done it for 3 years and this is the first time iv been pulled an it was well due. Just the stress etc and the police attitude really gets to me. I really had no respect due to past experience with them but this just took the biscuit and every slightest bit of respect I had is now non existant.

Grammar is probably bad but hey ho it's me posting.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:32 pm
by Scott
All the grammar in the world won't change the fact they are a bunch of tossers mate!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:35 pm
by Ruler of The World
Indeed they are but wouldn't say so in this case. If someone's phoned them they have to investigate!

What they did to me was disgusting, nothing like this and totally unrelated, just proves they are scum.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:35 pm
by titchno1
I remember a story of you getting laptop money etc seized am I right Scott? Wonder if there is anyone on here who hasn't been pulled/arrested. Or if anyone can beat 3 year iv done well to last that long I think.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:37 pm
by Scott
Yes, 10 month investigation and it got NFA'd, no apology or anything, i'd been playing full time about 6 years when i got nicked.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:41 pm
by Ruler of The World
I got arrested for something you can't even be arrested for so they changed the charge to something they knew they could never prove in a million years! I was handcuffed against procedure as I had been completely calm and showed no resistance to arrest throughout even though it was clearly wrong. They deliberately stuck me in the back of a small van with cuffs on behind my back and drove over road bumps as fast as they could on purpose, knowing they would hurt me due to those handcuffs! That is sadistic, I had done nothing wrong! All of this was over insurance!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:41 pm
by titchno1
Have you done a right up mog? I find these posts/story's the most intresting.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:57 pm
by Ruler of The World
Can't remember! I had been paying insurance in 3 month instalments, idiot Indian bastards Norwich Union use cocked up and didn't notify me they'd cancelled it, I go through an ANPR twice in either direction as I was meeting a mate and they stop me 2nd time... They claimed I was trying to AVOID it! I said as far as I knew I had insurance, produced certificate, fat old cunt constable or whatever he was told me by producing that if I don't have valid insurance I'd be arrested for fraud! How could they possibly prove fraud when I'd had the policy and paid for it for over 2 years? He claimed people 'like me' get flash cars, pay the insurance for a couple of months and then cancel it.

In the station the skipper wanted to know why I'd had my hands cuffed behind my back and one of the pricks who had brought me in whispered to him that I was being taught a lesson! I actually heard this!

Spent about an hour in a cell, refused to talk to anyone until I'd spoken to someone in the legal profession and that's why I was put in the cell! Got interviewed, wiped the floor with any justification for my arrest and they let me go. Got DNA'd of course and now every time I am pulled I have "stopped for insurance fraud" on my record despite the charges being dropped a month after the incident!

What a joke!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:23 pm
by titchno1
The way they deal with things I think is just absolutely rediculous. Trying to prove something when your innocent is a head ache. It is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty isn't it. The worst bit is when they categorise you with criminals like you stated. 'Guys like you' do this and that or 'that's what they all say'. It boils my piss an I just think fuck off I'm not one of them criminals I'm a innocent lad that's been tapped up for no reason. They seemed to talk down to me and it gives of the impression that its 'I'm a police officer I can do what I want and talk to you how I want.' When really they are just equal but they have a uniform on. They are never any sound coppers that discuss things in a civil way there is no need for the ego. They take way to much pride.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:46 pm
by MrRed
Forget it mate, as Scott says you will only make it worse
They don't have a clue, however if someone has made a complaint, then they have to follow it up

At least you got all the money back

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:30 pm
by jeffvickers
Lucky no bandits/phone box/vending machines had been reported as being broke into that night.