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Post by trayhop123 »

m8 ,,,,,,,,,, if they really are diamond smugglers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ???

cant see them giving a shit about you making a few quid on a fruit

but seriously , if they are as nasty as you say , just stay away ,,,,,,,,,,, expand your route
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Post by bowie »

When i say diamond smuggling, i mean that's how they made there names in the 80's/90's, even if there only controlling low level smack dealing nowadays, it doesn't take away from there clout, these guys are late 40's early 50's but they still have there young team that will do what there told.
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Post by trayhop123 »

sound like a nice bunch

seriously stay away ,,,,,,,,,, just move on ,,,,,,,,, self bar yourself ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and travel further
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Post by Northern Monkey »

Sounds like a Guy Ritchie script
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Post by mr cheese »

Like you say they may be interested in how to play the machine etc,You may just be shitting yourself over nothing why dont you just ask them if you have done anything to upset them,then decide whether to stay away or buy them a drink.......
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Post by liverpool24 »

I'd be surprised if they're even remotely arsed about someone playing and making money off a machine. It's all relative and theoretical of course but the people I know who are involved in low scale organised crime have no interest in stuff like that and are making a lot better regular money from other things.
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Post by uber-pro »

And if they are what you say they are, the last thing you should do is start acting scared or trying to butter them up, you might aswell jump into their pockets.
Mr McStreak

Post by Mr McStreak »


You should NEVER underestimate people like that, because anyone from a criminal background who senses there is money to be made out of you via playing machines legally for a tax free income is quite likely to give you trouble. Speaking to them or even acknowledging them would be a massive mistake.

Years ago when I was mainly playing round arcades a couple of local scumbags would latch on to players and spend the day following them around, skint, and then 'taxing' them every time they had a decent hit out of something. We all used to see it as a hazard of the occupation, and did our best to avoid them, but it got to the point where they'd hide round the corner until you were collecting money out, then pounce and just rob the money off you. I remember one evening getting Nemesis on a £10 jp Roller Coaster cheaply which went all the way up. As I took the money out, reflecting on what a nice result i'd had I got barged to one side by one of these degenerates and the other helped himself. I got left with £4. It then dawned on me why I found it numbering, because nobody wanted to lose money getting it done only to get robbed. It was a real joke in some of the arcades back then. One lad stood up to them one day, and got beaten up. He wasn't seen for a couple of years.

Things quietened down a bit when they finally got banned from all the arcades, and one of them had a run in with the police over a glassing. The word 'glass' was a verb as well as a noun in Weston Super Mare.

However by then my focus was on the pubs, which weren't being dealt with at all back then, and I had a great route of jpm's which I did every day then spent the rest of the day poaching people in the arcades with everyone else. Sadly it wasn't long before the parasites were back on the scene, but with a slightly different approach. They'd pal up to you, and find you things worth playing and expect a cut. Nobody had a problem with this but I kept my distance, knowing they would soon revert back to out and out theft. Soon enough they would turn up skint expecting to go halves on the day, usually the weekend when there was decent money to be made in the arcades. I just stuck to the pubs instead. All was well for a while but sadly one day I was playing a 5liner in a pub and they were in there pissed up. I got threatened with a pool cue, and was told i'd be beaten up unless I gave them £30. They'd seen me taking money bit by bit out of the bank so knew I was lying when I said I didn't have £30. "£30 or i'll break your jaw and take everything you have on you" were the words I remember. Like a dickhead I still tried to bargain with them saying i'd give them £20 to leave me alone. They said no and relieved me of over £70 in coins whilst holding me in a vice-like grip. They told me that tomorrow we were thirds all day. I thought fuck this and went home.

The following day, fuming at what had happened I went out and sure enough they were the first people I saw. So I got a train down the coast and spent 4 days making really good money, which opened my eyes to the bigger picture. I don't think I played more than one dead machine in all that time.

A couple of weeks later those pricks beat a 14 year old up, quite badly, for £6 worth of tokens. One of them went away for it, the other got let off, but the victims dad put him in hospital, and neither of them were any bother after that. They were both alcoholics and drug abusers, and over time they were so messed up that they posed no threat to anyone. However a couple of years ago they were both present when a man got kicked to death over a missing bottle of cider. Afterwards they all sat there and stared at the corpse as though they were watching tv. Both got cleared of murder but served time for involvement.

One died of alcoholism shortly after, the other was last seen going through some bins at the back of a Supermarket. He is inside for life for a seperate murder.

Intimidation is a terrible thing.
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Post by Matt Vinyl »

Fooking hell McStreak, that's one hell of a scary read!

I know drugs are rife in my local town, but managed to stay away from the characters generally. Once got 'ordered' to hand over £20 to this fella four times my size, after winning it on a Pulsation. Apparently, it was 'his' machine and all the money in it was 'his' whoever played it and won some out.

That pub went for a Burton about a week later, never saw 'em again.
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Post by trayhop123 »

it's definitely better to be a nobody , ,,,,,,,,, beter to blend in and not stand out from the crowd ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, move on ,,,,,,,, go somewhere else etc

mcstreaks story is horrible , ,,,,,,,,,,,,, but not in anyway a shock ,,,,,,,,,,, druggys are rife everywhere you go nowadays .

one question i would like to ask you rich ??? ,,,,,,,,,,, the day they robbed you of 70 coins , then told you they were going thirds with you the next day ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, having just cleaned you out , what did they expect you were going to use as a float the next day?????

glad they finally got their just deserts ,,,,,,,,,,,
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Mr McStreak

Post by Mr McStreak »

Excellently phrased question Lee...

And here is my answer. I simply came back the following day with a fresh float! I found it alot easier to save in those days, far less distractions. No roulette in bookmakers etc. Never drank either. Probably the most enjoyable years of my slotting career the jpm days.
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Post by trayhop123 »

you misunderstood the question rich ,,,,,,,,,,,, i wasn't suggesting that you only had 70quid to your name m8 ,,,,,,

but they didn't know that ,,,,,,,,, in their eyes they had left you potless ,,,,,,, so where did they think you were going to get a float from ???? to make you go thirds

in other words , at the time couldn't you have reasoned with the scumbags that you would indeed go thirds the next day,,,,,, but needed the float for it

and then simply never went back
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Post by Mystery_Plum »

I used to get trouble similar to McStreak from the local parasites.

There was a real dive of a pub near the arcades and they would sit in there all weekend getting pissed, and when their dole money ran out one of them would go round the arcades looking for people from which to steal money.

A truly depressing way to lead your life I'm sure you'll agree, but each to their own.

I had to put up with the occasional tap-up for a pound or a few tokens here and there, and one time I had my wallet grabbed from my pocket, £20 taken and then my wallet given back. The same guy tried to stab me a few weeks later with a Curly-Wurly. He was pissed-up at the time.

I used to hate it late at night when the arcades got quiet but there was stuff worth playing because you sometimes didn't even want to win in case some dollop of shit came round the corner as the money was coming out. The staff used to conveniently disappear because they didn't want the aggro. Luckily I always seemed to get away with it. There was one time when I was on my own playing an It's a Knockout and it went on the run for red tank features. The conditions were far from ideal for me - no-one about, no staff, Friday night. Suddenly, with a bank of over £30 and another red feature going, the two people I least wished to see walked past and then hid behind some machines. I knew what was coming but there was nothing I could do. The bank went over £40 and started paying out automatically, but after a few tokens the tube jammed so nothing came out. I got paid out after they had fucked off.

It's an occupational hazard and not a pleasant one. Happily though, karma has a way of dealing with these people as McStreak says. They are either dead, in the gutter or, as is the case with the person who gave me the most grief, in prison for murder. I couldn't be happier for the cunt. Fuck them all.
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Post by harry2 »

Two rastas used to collect tax in our local arcade when I was about 10 or 11. Bit difficult saying no when you are about 5' and six stone. Then again I used to get paid a few tokens for knowing the reels on the old JPM's and Barcrests.
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Post by Been-Grant-Mitchell'd! »

A good few years back, there were a clan of guys who used to hang around the Hastings arcs taxing youngsters and vulnerable people whenever they got a win or if the unfortunate person was on a pausing 777Heaven, they'd turf them off it. There were a few of us who they wouldn't touch if they knew you liked a ruck or if you would stand up for yourself.

The inevitable happened with them taxing the son of the towns hardman.
Oh dear!

If you see these guys now, you'd never think they were capable of intimidating anyone as they're about eight stone between them, and in the last weeks of their miserable lives.

So nice to see. . . .