When it all gets TOO much......

General fruit machine related chat, if it doesn't fit another category discuss it here..
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Post by Spyder »

turned £80 into £1300 in a casino then lost it all... got proper suckered in, even changed the chips up when i had £1300, but then got bored waiting for a mate so went back on the tables..

£4000 on internet poker in one hand... i had pocket 8's, flop came out 8 3 A, turn and river were pointless cards, no flush, no full house, no straight the only cards that could have beaten me was pocket aces...

in the bookies i lost £500 in a day once,
in arcade ive lost £500 in a day maybe
in pubs ive lost probably £300 in a day

im down from gambling (probably a LOT down) over the years, but even so, nothing beats winning 2 £500 jackpots the day before you go on holiday, or winning £3500 on an online fruity at the same time as getting paid on the 13th monthly payment (4 weekly paid)
waking up on a monday with a blur of a 4 day weekend that involved casinos/stripclubs/champagne and waking up with more money that you started with?

obviously saving every penny would help with that style of life, but someone who scrimps and saves doesnt have half the fun..
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Post by mr cheese »

Done over 2k in Betfred on POG,just walked,Lost me wallet a week later with over 800 in it,Booked a holiday payed 700 deposit then split with mrs and lost it all (Sick bag and phrase do Wilkos sell Stanley Knives sprang to mind).Life can be cruel especially for a Gambler,Ya pick yaself back up dust ya sen down and get on with it...Happy Days... Plus side won a holiday to Florida,off to Turkey again in 9 Month,Money in pocket and Bank,And Most important Love of my Children and Mrs who i am back with.Lesson learnt Never Ever take anyone for Granted,Do not let money or Gambling rule your life,Stay away from Bookies and S16s, And do not i repeat do not let your kids know what you do to make money unless you want them hanging round arcades all day... P.s. My kids dont but i have seen it to many times...
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Post by CrosbyRules »

mines about 500 in roulette, fruit wise i remember being on a night out a good few years ago and losing about 200 on a sub zero
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Post by Scott »

I've never bothered with FOBT's thankfully, i've lost a ton plus several times on fruit machines, one in recent memory is around a £170 loss on a DOND Gold trying to get the cashpot, left it full and just walked away, small fry compared to what i've read....... Thankfully.
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Post by blackmogu »

£10K on blackjack in a night, back when 10K was alot of money ! On the plus side, never played it again after that.
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Post by liverpool24 »

With gambling it's the smallest little things that can cost you hundreds, I've never even really stopped to think about it untill recently when I had a big loss on the fobt. I'd won about 900 and was on my way home, was at traffic lights outside a bookies so instead of being patient and waiting I pulled inside and went into the hills, lost a grand ina bout 15 minutes, Now if them lights hadn't been on red I'd have never gone in. It's just messed up how somehting so little can affect you so badly. A month back I cashed a reciept for 600 and the man went to hand me it, just as he did he said he'd need to just wait a couple of minutes for his partner to return and confirm the amount, so i turned around went back on the machine and lost 400 in the two minutes, funny how life works. My biggest loss is a bout 1500, on fruits 2-300 on various things, including a legal tender.
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Post by liverpool24 »

Just remembered another machine called 'hotspot' that was absolutely fantastic, talking maybe 8 years ago, anyone remember it ? if you lined up the three hotspot symbols you got onto the main borad which was just an arrow that went around and give you wins in the multiple of £25, got over 200 out of it once which back then was a monumental amount, anyway one time I lost about 4 ton on it, grim.
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Post by BFK »

It was by reflex gaming. Had a spinny clock thing a'la magic games if you played it on max stake. Could go big but fuck me it could rip a ton of u in about 2 mins. Sick for a £25 jackpot.
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Post by extremeunction »

I watched a guy put £660 into a juice terminal last night and give up without winning a bean back, he then got very rowdy and started calling the barstaff c*nts and got ejected from the pub
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Post by liverpool24 »

BFK wrote:It was by reflex gaming. Had a spinny clock thing a'la magic games if you played it on max stake. Could go big but fuck me it could rip a ton of u in about 2 mins. Sick for a £25 jackpot.
Yeah that was the one, a first toe in the water of big stake gambling that was for me.
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Post by Mr Move It »

My worst on a single machine was £34 on Austin Powers when it was backing from the first £1. The mate who was with me concluded that the machine was probably refilled on that day hence its backing to be false.

My worst in 1 day is around £50 on a few occasions, but being casual, I usually don't carry more than £20 into an arcade, and if it's in a pub then it's change from a round/pint.

Respect/kudos to those who admitted their high losses on this thread.
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Post by clarkey1984 »

I had a day out with dom where everything just fucked around and didnt play good so i ended up going a bit mental and chucking about £80 into, funnily enough, a megabars, for no real reason, i just thought fuck it, i know these can take, but get a nice roll in or free spins fairly quick and they can sort you out too, but it didnt.

We had already lost about 70 each in a magic 7s that was droppin from the off (and had been for the last 2 peeps that were on it aswell) so i went to the bank, gave dom 20 quid (for the amazing that was now full) and put another tenner in that fuckin shitty bastarding twatty fucker of a magic 7, i hit autoplay, and...

Its one of those nearly inexplicable moments that you cant quite believe is taking place, like your sitting and seeing it, but your not really there, its odd, the luck has gone from one extreme to the other, i had bars and 7s all over the shit, treble rolls and nudge ins that held, plus X's galore too this old electrocoin went off its tits, and i came off it with just over 200 quid off that tenner, i was amazed that it didnt go empty!

Proper highs and lows for me, i enjoyed the high, it probably felt better than if i had just made a bit to start with, but being so down and it all coming back felt that much better, but i didnt like the low point,feeling utterly destroyed, thinking yes i am fucked now, so now i take 20 or 30 quid out with me max, no cards either.
deano8177 wrote:When I rang him I asked if I could play any of the gaming machines and he said no cos they keep getting fiddled. Then I said I'd be down soon to watch the football, and that I was going to shit in his urinal.
thecannonball89 wrote:If you go out on a friday night to play a deadmans and end up going out up town having 5bags of heavly cut drugs end up in the brothel, and wake up feeling like shit on monday morning sitting out a p3 dial trying to make bk ur losses of a 5am roulette sesion, your probly a player
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Post by trayhop123 »

had a jg of a empire today and got completely mullerd ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, twas there straight away , but cost 180 for first ,,,,,, shoulda walked but still there as hadn't really had many non ***** board wins, put all back +another 160 for second ,,,,,, lost 270

loads of non ***** boards ,,,,,,,,,, and loads of 2quid boards


everytime you were close to a set up ,,,,,,,,,, fucking cashout/game over grrrrrrrr

yet i made 61 on it other day

they just go in these moods from time to time

everything else i played today played up , or wasn't ready/been had

by the time i bought a chinky and some cigs for the mrs ,,,,,,,,,,, £300 down

grrrrrrrrrrrr ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :P oh well , tomorrow is another day

ps: who sais we dont post loss days ?
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Post by CrosbyRules »

rank lee, I remember play a terrible empire a long time ago, with mattb, never seen anything like it, not played one similar since
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Post by Scott »

My mate was £340 in, i was sat in the car park because i was barred, and he rang me for more money, when he told me how much he was in i could not believe it, we just left it full, i personally would never put that much in, these can be a joke and you have to walk away sometimes, i think £500+ is possible when not playing ball!
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