just that old chestnut

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Post by Glendale »

No doubt Will you will be on the phone later moaning at your guvnor for showing me tricks in the £25 era? Only fair if you moan at lee isnt it? Problem is though is that he would drop you like a brick from any info in future, oh sorry, i forgot you need no help! One other thing, do you ever go out and play a machine? Your on here all day and night!
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Post by eurovision1984 »

Who trained up the first trainer ?
I may have been one of the first players in my time,
I trained up 2 people in 1985,
They had not a clue how to play fruits,
Both are not players today though.

Regards eurovision.
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Post by trayhop123 »

Noels Beard wrote:I think this admittance just confirms what a terribly short sighted person you are. Whilst it's to your credit that you may have had sympathetic motives, your attitude is built upon a total lack of foresight. And I put it to you that it's yourself who is really holding himself up as an unordained autocrat. It's you that is watching the scene crumble and doing nothing to stop it, maybe you are even encouraging it. Your justification? Well we can all get a job in a computer game shop when it's finished. Well thanks Lee, but no thanks.

will , i considered shaun my family, and if you cant help benefit your family then its a sad state of affairs ,, , ,what should i have done then ,let my wifes sister and her boyfriend starve lol , i dont have to justify myself to you ,

i have no qualms over the matter , i revealed my creation on here years ago , it was no secret reveal

we are all guilty of creation , even with our playing partners that we drive round with , , , , let him without sin cast the first stone etc

should jg stop talking to rob

should everyone on here stop talking to their contacts ????

if so , that must include you not talking to yours etc

shaun was my playing partner for years , , , , , anyone on here who has been at this for a number of years with a regular playing partner ,or partners has by proxy trained and been trained over the years by eachother

only the people you talk to are holy lol
Little discipline = BIG issue

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Post by maverick69 »

is this shaun notts.....loves a hoff?
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Post by Oscar »

trayhop123 wrote:ok , the exciting twist

here it is

a few years ago on this very forum , creating players was discussed ,and frowned upon as per usual etc,,,,,,,,,,, and even back then i admitted the truth to my part , ,,,,,,, i dare say most of us are guilty of at least creating one ,,,,,,,,,

12 years or so ago ,i met tracy ,,,,,,,,, her sister tina and most of her family lived in nottingham at the time ,,,,,,,,

now tina and her then boyfriend shaun were skint , not a pot to piss in etc ,,,,,,,, however i liked shaun a lot , he had a very witty swagger despite being on his arse etc , ,,,,,,, the four of us did the usual family things , like markets and car booting on a sunday etc , as i was slowly introduced to tracys buying and selling ways etc ,,,,,,,,,, i fell smitten for tracy etc ,,,,,,,, and so often took the four of us into notts town centre for drinks , or paid for a chinese back at shaun and tinas house etc ,,,,,,,, ok i may have been paying for most of this , but i didn't mind , afterall , i had money , was falling in love and had fanny motive lol

we went to skeg a few times to drink and look round eastgates market etc

during that time , i slotted a bit round notts town centre and skirts etc ,,,,,,,,, and went back to shaun n tinas at night to see tracy etc

now very early on in the relationship i was warned by all the family that shaun was a bit of a con artist etc and that he was on the run from the police etc ,,,,,,,, but i take people on their own merit , he hadn't done anything to me , in fact he gave me sound advice when it came to things like what car i should by next etc ,,,,,,,,, suffice to say ,,,,,,,,, shaun and me got on like a house on fire ,,,,,,, i looked up to him in many ways.

ok so back to the fact that shaun was skint for the most part ,,,,,,,, (not because he was a stupid person or anything , on the contary , he has a very keen intellect , )

so i made the decision to train him up ,,,,,, afterall if you cant help out your family , who can you help?

now i didn't just teach ,,,,,,,, i gave him half the profits aswell , such was my fondness for the guy ,,,,,,,,,, it was a time of phycho cash beasts , big brothers and simpsons galore , beanstreaks , impulse , red alerts , cashbusters , 5 liners etc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the earning potential was great and we had many a 400 up day etc ,,,,,,,,, my only request for setting him up was that once he was capable of going at it alone , that he didn't do my runs in leicester that i had took him on etc .

things were fine for a few years ,,,,,,,, but one day shaun decided to fuck me over by doing my stuf in leicester ,,,,,,,,, to this day i cant fathom why he did it

previous to this , shauns house was raided by the police , and he turned up at my flat in leicester with just the clothes on his back ,,,,,,,,,,,, i took him in ,,,,, yet again i took him out and built him up again from nothing

yet after all that i had done for him ,,,,,,,,,, he still fucked me by going to my stuff instead of simply putting the effort in to find his own

why ?

so obviously i cut the info line dead ,,,,,,,,,, and shaun went into burger van building , got himself a work unit and started to make decent money ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, despite him fucking me over , i still had a lot of time for him , and he was still with tracy's sister etc ,,,,,,,,, so i genuinely wished him well , but i made the decision to never pass on any fruit info again

but hey , he was doing well with his van business , and i was doing well slotting , so that was that

then one night whilst we was on a social in the rose pub in billbourgh notts , i made 120 quid on the alien whilst shaun was still out working , etc ,,,,,,,, when he got to the pub he asked out of curiosity how i had done and i told him , etc ,,, and i could see in his eyes he wanted back in the game , ,,,he asked if i would tell him the method , but i was once bitten etc , so respectfully no

anyhow he got back in with the rest of the notts crew , russ , martin etc ,,,,,,, and now im sure he's doing aswell as anyone

and i genuinely wish him well ,,,,,,,,,,,
he's not with tina anymore ,,,,,,,,, well thats life and relationships etc , so we have no reason to communicate now

i myself was trained up by an old (since moved away) leicester player called nigel ,,,,,,,,,, and despite the odd argument and not seeing him for over 10 years , he will always have my respect for my start

i like to think that shaun may one day feel the same for me

ok , so finally the point to all this ,,,,,,,,,,,,, amazing/shaun ,,,,,,,,,,,, take a bow

i had my suspicions , ,,,,,, from some of your previous post titbits ,,,,,,,,, you mention having lived in leicester previously , you called manny a tea drinker lol , that put you in the notts group frame , ,,,,, it had to be you or russ ,,,,,,,,,, but finally calling me mr c lol ,,,,,,,, you obviously wanted to be revealed then ,

nobody else but you would know my surname beginning with c

so , a couple of questions/points for ya ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, you label me a hypocrite during this thread , saying a mod has trained up someone ,,,,,,,,,, erm yes i did , it was you ,,,,,,,,, but its no big revelation , i wrote about this on here 2 years ago,,,,,,, so if you feel theres more to reveal , go for it

2 , why did you fuck me all those years ago , after i set you up , put you up , fed you etc , and after everything i did for you ? ,,,,,, was it greed ?, jealously ? etc ,,,,,,,,, we could have still been trusted contacts now ,,,,,,,,,,, so at least have the decency to explain this ,,,,,,,,, you owe me that much at the very least

and 3 , why the sudden anomosity now , whats rattled your cage ? is it because ive started to go out with manny a lot of late , which in turn may have rattled poison russ's feathers ,and he would then go on to try to drive a wedge between all of us ?,,,,,,,,,,,,, it cant simply be me pulling you up on the ''right to remain anon thing with nobody to corroborate your alice shit can it''............ i would pull anyone up with bold claims who choses to remain anon ,,,,,,,

and in essence its proved my point anyhow , ,,,,,,,, you obviously have absolute fuck all on alice's , ,,,,,,,, if you had you wouldn't be spotted in notts recently and as often chasing perfects like the rest of us ,,,,,,,,,, , you would be making your supposed 500 a day , ,,,,,,, and knowing how clever you are (i'll give you that) you of all people wouldn't have brought it up on a public website , and you would have travelled out of notts away from prying eyes that know you etc ,,,,,,,,, your not that stupid ,,,,,,

anyhow despite all of this , i still wish you well ,,,,,,,, your a hard grafter and far from thick ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i just wish you had a little respect for the man who gave you your start

we were friends once ,,,,,,,,, more so ,,,,,, we were family .

Closer each daaaaay............. Home and Away.
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Post by trayhop123 »

maverick69 wrote:is this shaun notts.....loves a hoff?
no mav , shaun loves a hof started on 2p rat races same time as me propper old school
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Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

Well Lee, I have plenty of family. Should I train them all up too? And they have some close friends who have fallen on hard times also. Then there was that guy that once tried stealing my wallet: people said that I shouldn't help him out but I saw the good in him and showed him how to corner an Alien! Why don't we all train everyone up, and then we can all supplement our Computer Game shop incomes by sharking the one remaining cluey addict, who despite us all trying, couldn't grasp the concept of winning.
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Post by Glendale »

Ferguson is going to quit Man united this year as Mancini has been training man city and Ferguson was in manchester first! Also hes not happy other teams are in the league! He also blames Glendale for this as he used to train a sunday league team! "Him and trayhop are to blame for this, im in talks with noels beard to rid the country of this"!
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Post by trayhop123 »

lol @ glendale and oscar
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Post by maverick69 »

had any one got a picture of this noels beard character u can put up , so when i meet him i can kiss his shoes......silent G is good at finding pics of ppl, i will let him do it
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

I'd really rather no-one did that. If you just want to make yourself humble, your sentiments have been noted.
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Post by The Dark Horse »

ROTW:- That point is the only one which is relevant to the original post which comes across as thinly veiled self justifying rubbish from Trayhop. It's a very obvious point that people with major involvement in this game should have been jumping to make. It seems that the rest of the site seems to either be oblivious to it or not want to speak up about it. Your posts were more objective and constructive than others but you failed to make the one and only relevant point to the OP.

I'm dissappointed it took the NB account 22 pages to bring it up, probably because he was wasting his time Glendale/Titchno bashing, something which appears to be much more of a personal vendetta than a genuine attemp to improve the scene for any player that values it.

The point about not wanting new players being created was a secondary point. I'm sure most people would agree it shouldn't happen. As for me "not getting to that point on my own", my own creation involved minimal training. I met up with my creator about 5 times max over the first year I was playing and joined all the dots myself. I could never have "got to that point on my own" because I'd never even once played a fruit machine before I knew there was the potential to profit from them. I really did start from square one and I probably had ti use a lot more of my own initiative than most other players did starting up. In fact "self created" players are a phenomenon of days gone by when naive programming meant little more than basic intelligence was required to become a player. Does anyone know anyone who's fully "self created" in the last 5 or even 10 years? I'm guessing not because it would be near enough impossible due to the complexity of machines nowadays.

As for your own "self creation" it reaks of the same rubbish David used to spout. You see David was playing machine for 5-6 years before me. He'd worked out certain basic things like certain features on JPMs that meant he could profit from them and as such targeted and profited from those specific games. He knew what games were in what pubs and attempted to do routes. This was the main reason I created him, his knowledge of machine locations was useful to me. He used to say he was a player before he met me due to these facts. This seems a very similar situation to how you also claim to have been self created. However whilst David may have worked out very basic methods, targeted certain machines and made routes he still spent the 5-6 years he played before knowing me as a LOSING player overall. It was after I trained him, as he followed me around every day for a year getting one on one tuition before then becoming a WINNING player overall. If you were also a LOSING player overall before meeting the guy who "felt threatened" by you so helped you out then you were also created and your basis for thinking otherwise is wrong. I can give another example of someone who worked out basic methods, targeted those machines and devised routes yet this person NEVER became a fully fledged player and lost overall until he gave machines up. If anything most semi intelligent machine playing addicts would have met the criteria you mention to be "self created". I still see wannabe players targeting certain machines and trying to do routes today, although it is much rarer, yet these people don't have access to widespread info and until they do will be nothing more than addicts that pay our way.
Noels Beard

Post by Noels Beard »

The Glendale and titchno1 bashing was caused by my fury with individuals to grasp what you describe as the central a simple point of this thread. If you feel you can truncate a thread and get to grist of a topic, please do not be afraid to step in earlier. As it is I feel I have had to spend most of this thread defending my position, one which to me at least seems most salient and inoffensive.
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Post by amazing »

amazing wrote:Very good lee lol but how wrong can one be, I will forward your thoughts though pmsl also your twist is no were near as good as the real and honest account of the twist is it!
There don't seem to be an answer coming bk lee
Enjoying life to the max!

I'll be back
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Post by Ruler of The World »

Horse, you really do write some drivel sometimes - drivel based on something you know NOTHING about! I was making money from fruits, plenty of money. I remember a day on £10 jackpots I made £400 just going around pubs playing what I had WORKED out and trained myself to do - bear in mind that this was in JPM days where skill was the name of the game. We also had the BWBs with the red and blue and the weird noises they made when they were on their little sequences - Heaven & Hell, The Jokers one which escapes me (might have been Jackpot Jokers), Championship Soccer.. I worked out Blue Rinse taking the hi-lo lottery every board instead of playing like the other fools who paid attention to the actual game, Psycho Cash Beast and Frenzy I didn't do the refusing method but I knew how to get the jackpots before having to reach top level with 7 or 8 knockouts because I took features like Reel Magic and obviously knew you could set up nearest wins...also obviously knew when they were clearly streaking. I didn't know the numbers on games like Caesars Palace at first but there were other signs which showed you they were dead such as constantly giving swap number on the bonus, lucky 7 on crap numbers, not passing the £5 barrier, giving super features that would not exceed £5 - can you start realising now that this was something you didn't need to be shown, if you played the games often enough you could make off them if you just registered these things in your mind. I wasn't the best on the skills but I got by and I was almost as good on them as the person you still speak to occasionally now who likes sharing women. Once I was TOLD you could hold the cancel on Arcadia, all my practice on Shoot Em Up paid off and I was 1 of very few in London emptying them. Another thing which I got spotted doing was the amazingly intelligent buzzing up Homer's Meltdowns for a jackpot then hoping it turned red next board and got the sequence. This would never cost a fortune and was well worth going around for. Oh, and guess what? In those days you had Spartacash! ANOTHER skill game...Duff Beer Guide followed! Now tell me I was a losing self-created prick who got turned into a money maker by the likes of you!!!! David's case is COMPLETELY different to mine, to compare them just shows you know nothing about me and seemingly nothing about the games that were around when I started up - ALONE!