Al Murrays Happy Hour

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Al Murrays Happy Hour

Post by Millseyimp »

Hi, I'm new (obviously) but have been reading various topics on the site for a few months now. I've just been trying to get a handle on exactly why it is that you guys are so successful and 'ordinary' punters like myself are not. I've concluded (fairly obviously) that it's down to knowledge, not just of emptiers, but also just as you guys seem to have a feel of whether a machine is loaded or not.

I've been a reasonably unsuccessful but casual player for a few years. Obviously sometimes I get lucky, usually I end up a few quid up or down, but more often than I win big, I lose a fair amount. I'm pretty undisciplined and all in all a pretty poor player, truth be told.

However, last night I wnt for a pint and played Al Murray's Happy Hour. It immediately offered me a few wins, and I was about a tenner up, but foolishly didn't walk away (as a player of my callibre probably should). Anyway it started giving nothing at all, and I ploughed £50 into it. Then it started giving loads of features, loads of shots on the board etc etc, with an extra life I got up to MS (an unusual occurance for me). It did the £70, then an extra £35. I put another quid in and it put me straight back on and pumped my cash pot up to about £30. I was just going to take it, but then I remembered reading something on here about streaking. Anyway I played on, it kicked me off, but everything stayed lit exactly where it was. Stuck another quid in and it let me resume from the same position, and then did another MS for £70 + £5, so ended up quite a lot up (for me).

What I want to know is did I just get insanely lucky, or was there some sign from the machine that would have told one of you guys it was going to do that? Also, is £180 a 'normal' amount for it to streak? I've read you guys talking about £210, so did I walk away at the right time or should I have stuck around for more? Is this machine one that you would call 'playable' or again, did I just get very lucky?

The other thing I wanted to bring up was what you refer to as fire. I mean, this is a pub that I go in occasionally but not really so as they'd recognise me, and I took £185 out, and they even changed it up for me, didn't seem annoyed at all. Admittedly I live in a pretty sleepy place where, I assume, no one would bother doing on their route, and I'm a financial adviser so I was suited etc, but the manager even congratulated me! I assume it must be fairly easy to see who's a player and who isn't!

Anyway the last thing was that I wanted to thank you, as had I not read any of this site, I certainly wouldnt have thought to put any more money in after the first MS, so cheers!

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Post by Dunhamzzz »

The sign that it was streaking was that it gave you another MS....

You probably didn't get "fire" as I predict you were jumping around, hi-fiving, grabbing air and all sorts of celebratory practices on that second MS. Whereas a player would have just shrugged it off and moved on in a very sly manner.
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Post by Millseyimp »

A prediction refers to something that may happen in the future. If you were able to 'predict' things that happened last night then the world would be full of rich gamblers and bookies would all have gone bust.

As it goes I was on my own so my 'celebratory practices' were somewhat subdued.

But seriously, thanks for your constructive reply, most helpful.
anfield road
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Post by anfield road »

Do us a favour, play it on a £1 play and get a bonus.... slow it down and check wether Super hold is available off the bonus!! it goes Stoppa - Selector - Add again - Super hold!

If its got superhold on you could make a bit more money!
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Post by PMK »

As far as I'm aware Al Murray doesn't really have that kind of 'streak' profile. The fact that u got a £105 was a miracle but to then give another fat board and then hold over and allow u to get another top may well prove me wrong. Either that or there was an incredible amount of value in it!!

Try and put this £210 and streak theory to the back of ur head. Only certain machines can do £210's.
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Post by darren »

Yeah these type of barcrests are really good for streaking. I once had an Al Murray streak for 3 jackpots, I couldnt believe my luck when it didnt er, alarm.

My Friend once had 5 jackpots in a row on an oche oche oche in Stranrear, but it said something weird, some sort of error?

I was very greatfull of course doing it casually over 3 hours and about 5 pints for 3 jackpots and £100 profit previously. Passing on the location.

Next time I went to play, it was chipped. The friendly barmaid informed me someone had taken the piss :roll: