Emptying Fruit Machines - Something not seen before

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Post by badders2 »

:roll: toolers hate the wankers and wonder why people are giveing up because there all ways flat or dead i know most of mine name them by pm if you want
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Re: Emptying Fruit Machines - Something not seen before

Post by ob »

FruityPro wrote:
mitchellleary wrote:I was working as Manager in a pub and a couple of lads came in one day and systematically emptied each fruit machine in turn as if they were playing them but each time they got the jackpot they would put their hand under to catch the coins so that it didn't make too much noise.
Eventually, i kicked them out and told them not to come back.
So are you saying that your machines were all left with a balance of zero or that these guys took one jackpot out of each of them? If it's the former then common sense would dictate that you probably should have called the police. If the latter then I can't really see why you'd find their actions suspicious, unless you know otherwise they may have put quite a bit of money in to obtain these jackpots (maybe more than the jackpot itself, these days when playing at £1 stake it's perfectly concievable that you could lose £20 in about a minute or so), seeing a fruit machine paying a jackpot doesn't automatically mean the person playing it has won something, often they've actually lost even if that person appears to "know what they're doing".

The thing that Landlords/Managers don't seem to realise is that when they are watching/trying to spy on someone playing a gaming machine that, believe it or not, 99% of the time the player in question is well aware of the fact they are being watched and if they did have anything to hide then they'd finish up and leave within a couple of minutes. If you're watching someone and they don't leave then the chances are they're not doing anything illegal and probably just want to be left in peace and are praying that a customer might turn up and give you something better to do!

Regarding the hand under the tray, why would anyone want the other people in the pub to hear that they've just taken some money out of the machine when it's gonna invariably lead to the usual chorus of "Mines a double JD" or "Arrghh I've just stuck forty quid in that as well..."? Figure those comments into a scenario where you've actually lost money and it might start to make sense to you.

If you were really that concerned about what they were doing did it ever cross your mind to try having a conversation with them or maybe just taking a closer look before chucking them out? If they were robbing your machines then all you've done is let them get clean away with your money!
Good post, it's precisely this type of stupid landlord that I hate, oh jp's have come out of the bandits MUST BE SOMETHING ILLEGAL... what a joke.... the people in question were probably just good at playing the machines in question.

There is NO device that makes machines pay jp out; why did you not ask the engineer to check the figures etc. on the machines if you were so concerned about wrong doing.
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Post by streakseims »

same here been barred from places for just getting a JP didnt occour to them it cost more than what it was worth they just hear the coins come out and when you can insert notes they think because you havent been to the bar for change that you have won off every machine off a small stake in, pisses me right off the signs encourage you to play the fruit machine but where on that sign does it say if you win to ofen you will be barred or accused left right and centre of cheating on a machine that controls what YOU CAN DO!!!! AND WHAT YOU CANT DO!!!!! fuck em all wankers and by barring some people that can usually lead to your machines ACTUALLY GETTING ROBBED FOR REAL beacuse if there barred they will wanna get even (if they knew they wasnt doin anything wrong) by givin the location away to who ever wants to know and those people could be poeple who know how to properly rob a machine Illegaly
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Post by thecannonball89 »

I hope your pub gets burnt down.
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Post by HorseRacingKing »


In reference to your post, I hope you put CCTV images up of the guys on the noticeboard and pass around to pubs what they are up to. The fruit machine player now a days only plays a machine if there is a system working that he can illegally fraud the machine and I whole heartedly hope you go and pursue any dodgy player that comes into your area by going to the police with images and video evdience of their coins.

I am in the middle of forming a campaign to local government within Sussex to make playing fruit machines illegal if you're on them for more than 10 minutes because after 10 minutes someting dodgy is definatly happening.

If you wish to contact me then please PM me,

I need all the support to shut these players down.
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Post by clarkey1984 »

HorseRacingKing wrote:mitchellleary,

In reference to your post, I hope you put CCTV images up of the guys on the noticeboard and pass around to pubs what they are up to. The fruit machine player now a days only plays a machine if there is a system working that he can illegally fraud the machine and I whole heartedly hope you go and pursue any dodgy player that comes into your area by going to the police with images and video evdience of their coins.

I am in the middle of forming a campaign to local government within Sussex to make playing fruit machines illegal if you're on them for more than 10 minutes because after 10 minutes someting dodgy is definatly happening.

If you wish to contact me then please PM me,

I need all the support to shut these players down.

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Post by gmckee03 »

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Post by harry2 »

HorseRacingKing wrote:mitchellleary,

In reference to your post, I hope you put CCTV images up of the guys on the noticeboard and pass around to pubs what they are up to. The fruit machine player now a days only plays a machine if there is a system working that he can illegally fraud the machine and I whole heartedly hope you go and pursue any dodgy player that comes into your area by going to the police with images and video evdience of their coins.

I am in the middle of forming a campaign to local government within Sussex to make playing fruit machines illegal if you're on them for more than 10 minutes because after 10 minutes someting dodgy is definatly happening.

If you wish to contact me then please PM me,

I need all the support to shut these players down.

Remember the days when a landlord knew his customers and how to run a pub. Nowadays it is a 20 year old "Bar Manager" who has had two years training for one of the big chains. They would never put up pictures of "customers" as it contravenes the Data Protection Act 1998 and would be not only sued, but laughed at by their competitors and ridiculed in the national papers. All these guys did was probably force out a JP on each machine and see if it rolled.
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Post by HorseRacingKing »

harry2 wrote:
HorseRacingKing wrote:mitchellleary,

In reference to your post, I hope you put CCTV images up of the guys on the noticeboard and pass around to pubs what they are up to. The fruit machine player now a days only plays a machine if there is a system working that he can illegally fraud the machine and I whole heartedly hope you go and pursue any dodgy player that comes into your area by going to the police with images and video evdience of their coins.

I am in the middle of forming a campaign to local government within Sussex to make playing fruit machines illegal if you're on them for more than 10 minutes because after 10 minutes someting dodgy is definatly happening.

If you wish to contact me then please PM me,

I need all the support to shut these players down.

Remember the days when a landlord knew his customers and how to run a pub. Nowadays it is a 20 year old "Bar Manager" who has had two years training for one of the big chains. They would never put up pictures of "customers" as it contravenes the Data Protection Act 1998 and would be not only sued, but laughed at by their competitors and ridiculed in the national papers. All these guys did was probably force out a JP on each machine and see if it rolled.
If the player is banned on your land then by entering the pub he is breaking the law so the data protection act can't do nothing about the pictures put up because they are used to warn customers of indecent indivduals.

The law is more complecated than just saying "data protection act etc" theres many loop holes around this and that is one of them.
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Post by MrRed »

LMFAO :lol:
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Post by clarkey1984 »

harry2 wrote: Remember the days when a landlord knew his customers and how to run a pub. Nowadays it is a 20 year old "Bar Manager" who has had two years training for one of the big chains. They would never put up pictures of "customers" as it contravenes the Data Protection Act 1998 and would be not only sued, but laughed at by their competitors and ridiculed in the national papers. All these guys did was probably force out a JP on each machine and see if it rolled.
I think someone missed the irony bus.... :?
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Post by jesterman »

I notice the author of this topic hasn't named the machines in question, therefore I personally doubt that the "robbery" actually happened.

As for barring AWP players for getting jackpots, I've seen such barrings myself. Landlords & barstaff just see the money coming out and are blind to cash going in.

I got asked to leave a quiz after "winning" £6 though I put £4 in!
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Post by PLUnion »

I share my sympathy with the author.
I have worked in and owned pubs all my life and know what sort of scams are involved with gambling machines.
It has got to the stage where I am thinking of getting them off the premises.
I haven't the time or inclination to read every story on here but I see the focus is on beating the machine. This is very sad, you must all realise, those of you that are out to scam the machines, that you cannot ever beat them in the long run. Do yourself all a favour and give up now.
I currently have part ownership in three pubs around the Vale of Evesham. They are good clean houses and run very well under mine and my partner's guidance. In all three pubs we have gambling machines and we do not let them get misused.
What you people who spend so much time on these things do not necessarily realise or understand is that the machines are set to get your money. You cannot ever win. That is the first give away. If someone who I have never seen before comes in and just wins, they are up to something and I will not tolerate that.
Secondly why spend so much time on a machine? A pub is a place to share tales with aquaintances, not waste time jabbing buttons. If someone wants entertainment for the change from a round, that is what the machine is there for, for that use. I do not tolerate people who think it is acceptable to buy one drink and spend all night playing the machine like it is a casino. If you want to gamble, go to a bookmakers or a casino. I run and own pubs to cater for a proper paying customer and expect my customers to respect that. The decent ones do, they may play for entertainment on a gambler but as a rule of thumb, anyone playing for more than ten to fifteen minutes is up to something and believe you me they are soon asked to leave.
If you applied yourself as vigourously to sporting endeavours or stocks and shares you would all be more successful and rich.
When someone or a group of someones walk in with caps, baggy jeans and casual youth clobber, I know they will soon be winning the jackpot.
Don't give me we put more in. I wasn't born yesterday. Without swearing as I know there are ladies present, without swearing, I am not a *ing mug. You walk in put in barely a coin between you and scoop up the jackpot and get cross if I notice you. It's the cocksure arrogance that annoys me as well as the blatant robbery. It's my business. If I want to switch the machine off, I will switch my machine off if you are playing it or not. Arguing is pointless. The more you argue, the less likely I am to change my mind.
As an example, a young man walked solo into one of my establishments quite recently. He thought it fine to buy a coke at 3.30pm and start jabbing the buttons on my gambler. Ten minutes later he is getting frustrated and starts hitting the buttons. Power off and one very angry youth. The clap you come out with. I don't believe any of it, it's all fraudsters and chancers these days. The decent players have mostly given up because of this. My machines only just about take money due to genuine punters putting in change from the round. I have to be really careful not to let one of you scammers win it all back, but believe you me I can spot you a mile off and will bar you no questions, no going back, no coming back. I do everything I can to warn neighbouring pubs. This site is full of sick robbers and I hope you see your wrongdoings. You won't fraud my machines and I hope that by reading this other Landlords will wise up and you won't fraud their machines. Keep out the bandit cheats and keep the genuine customers in. the pub trade is striggling without strays wandering in off the streets and cheating our machines out of loot.
One more thing, don't tell me how to do my job. I understand gambling machines and gamblers, they've been part of my trade for over forty years. I don't need spotty youths telling me that winning hundreds in minutes is playing fair. Like I say, I'm not stupid, neither are the police and if you persist, you will feel the long arm of the law. I no qualms about handing fraudsters over to the police. It's what you all deserve. Shame on you!
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Post by thecannonball89 »

PLUnion wrote:I share my sympathy with the author.
I have worked in and owned pubs all my life and know what sort of scams are involved with gambling machines.
It has got to the stage where I am thinking of getting them off the premises.
I haven't the time or inclination to read every story on here but I see the focus is on beating the machine. This is very sad, you must all realise, those of you that are out to scam the machines, that you cannot ever beat them in the long run. Do yourself all a favour and give up now.
I currently have part ownership in three pubs around the Vale of Evesham. They are good clean houses and run very well under mine and my partner's guidance. In all three pubs we have gambling machines and we do not let them get misused.
What you people who spend so much time on these things do not necessarily realise or understand is that the machines are set to get your money. You cannot ever win. That is the first give away. If someone who I have never seen before comes in and just wins, they are up to something and I will not tolerate that.
Secondly why spend so much time on a machine? A pub is a place to share tales with aquaintances, not waste time jabbing buttons. If someone wants entertainment for the change from a round, that is what the machine is there for, for that use. I do not tolerate people who think it is acceptable to buy one drink and spend all night playing the machine like it is a casino. If you want to gamble, go to a bookmakers or a casino. I run and own pubs to cater for a proper paying customer and expect my customers to respect that. The decent ones do, they may play for entertainment on a gambler but as a rule of thumb, anyone playing for more than ten to fifteen minutes is up to something and believe you me they are soon asked to leave.
If you applied yourself as vigourously to sporting endeavours or stocks and shares you would all be more successful and rich.
When someone or a group of someones walk in with caps, baggy jeans and casual youth clobber, I know they will soon be winning the jackpot.
Don't give me we put more in. I wasn't born yesterday. Without swearing as I know there are ladies present, without swearing, I am not a *ing mug. You walk in put in barely a coin between you and scoop up the jackpot and get cross if I notice you. It's the cocksure arrogance that annoys me as well as the blatant robbery. It's my business. If I want to switch the machine off, I will switch my machine off if you are playing it or not. Arguing is pointless. The more you argue, the less likely I am to change my mind.
As an example, a young man walked solo into one of my establishments quite recently. He thought it fine to buy a coke at 3.30pm and start jabbing the buttons on my gambler. Ten minutes later he is getting frustrated and starts hitting the buttons. Power off and one very angry youth. The clap you come out with. I don't believe any of it, it's all fraudsters and chancers these days. The decent players have mostly given up because of this. My machines only just about take money due to genuine punters putting in change from the round. I have to be really careful not to let one of you scammers win it all back, but believe you me I can spot you a mile off and will bar you no questions, no going back, no coming back. I do everything I can to warn neighbouring pubs. This site is full of sick robbers and I hope you see your wrongdoings. You won't fraud my machines and I hope that by reading this other Landlords will wise up and you won't fraud their machines. Keep out the bandit cheats and keep the genuine customers in. the pub trade is striggling without strays wandering in off the streets and cheating our machines out of loot.
One more thing, don't tell me how to do my job. I understand gambling machines and gamblers, they've been part of my trade for over forty years. I don't need spotty youths telling me that winning hundreds in minutes is playing fair. Like I say, I'm not stupid, neither are the police and if you persist, you will feel the long arm of the law. I no qualms about handing fraudsters over to the police. It's what you all deserve. Shame on you!
Scumbag, if you turned a machine of on me you would be getting weighd in mate.
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Post by PLUnion »

Listen youth, don't get smart. If you think you can lay one on me, good on you, you've got courage. If you think you're having my loyal customers over, think on. It's my pub, my rules, not your pub. I pay the rates, I pay the taxes, I run the business. YOU do not tell me when I can and can't switch my own machine off. It's my machine, if you don't like it don't play it. You sound like a scammer full of talk anyway, most of you haven't got any bottle and you're the sort who are NOT welcome and I do not want you in my pub, what is so hard to understand about that?